End of Dream

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"Kagami. Go and help the Hokage ."


The Uchiha turned breathing hard while Darami coughed blood as he gasped a bit for air " I'm good as dead......" The man turned smiling with tired eyes and his masked was stained with blood making his friends eyes widen " your ..." " I don't have a high chance of surviving even if we escaped together " Darami stumbled walking while Kagami got him quickly " N-Nani......" The young man ripped a crystal necklace off his neck placing it on his hand shakily " go. More are coming ." " but....se-" " kagami. Go now." The Uchiha frowned seeing his friend turned activating his sharingan again.


Tobirama jumped tree to tree breathing a bit hard ' I see. So kakazu is there as well.' He glared holding two boys on his arms. Maru opened his eyes half ways looking to the side seeing a kunai with three bomb tapes . The teen placed his hands on the mans armor " dad...." " yes." Tobirama looked down quickly yet confuse seeing him smile pushing him off the way quickly.

The Hokage gasp confuse with wide eyes while the young Uchiha closed his eyes slowly " OY!!!!" The albinos eyes went large with his pupil dilated seeing a large explosion making him slam on the floor growling from the bad injuries he had. The senju sat up quickly ignoring the intense pain.



The man breath hard looked down angrily with large tears forming on his eyes as he held his son tightly with closed eyes. The man sigh shaking his head trying to clear his head ' now is not the time.' " Shiroma . " The boy twitched a bit opening his eyes tiredly from the ugly wound he had on across his chest. Tobirama looked down at him putting his hand up having green chakra form but blinked seeing the boys hand stop his from being placed on his wound. " OY. Let me heal you ." The white haired boy shook his head as his eyes closed slowly.
A shadow covered the mans eyes while his hand laid down watching the boy stay still not breathing .


Darami stumbled walking as he slammed on a tree. The young  man slowly slide down coughing violently as he threw up blood. The Uchiha blinked feeling only pain inside as his throat burned. His eyes closed half ways but he twitched seeing a familiar man. He panicked but his eyes closed as the image of a single glowing eye burned his mind till everything went blank.


"Kagami your alive !"


"Where's Darami ?"


Danzo and hiruzen gasped seeing him look down as they jumped tree branches "....we can grief later....where are we meeting ?" " I sense lord second close also Shiroma. We'll be meeting with them." Hiruzen looked straight abut confuse ' but Maru...what happened to his chakra.' Danzo glared looking straight thinking ' Tch. .....'


_(n)_ breath hard as her susano'o kept shielding the grounds. She looked around tiredly ' it's taking ...way too long ...' She glared looking down ' something isn't right ........' She got up slowly holding her broken rib as she walked more making the large black thing demolish many trees having shinobi jump out .



Tobirama blinked looking straight seeing his team kneeling on the floor. The man blinked not seeing his 'son' " where's Darami." Kagami looked down while the other two stayed quiet. The Hokage blinked looking down."...there 20. We'll be needing a decoy to make a run for it ." Silence. Silence everywhere. " I'll do it." All of the men turned to hiruzen seeing him smile " I'll be the decoy." Danzo had wide eyes filled with rage.



Tobirama got up looking down at them " I'll go. " " but lord second !!" " I'm far from going anywhere now. " the man looked at his strongest student " hiruzen. Staring tomorrow you'll be Hokage ." The young man gasp watching the Hokage walk " also.....tell _(n)_......"


*enter rain falling*

a woman was kneeling on the floor hugging a faceplate while large tears dripped down her chin. She faced four different tombs .

"Tell _(n)_....I'm sorry for what I did to make her life hell......."

The woman looked straight gasping for air a bit seeing the familiar people of the photographs.

" if I didn't kill Izuna ...maybe Madara would had understand the feelings she had better ...I'm a disgrace of  a brother more less a father who couldn't protect his children........a husband who hide behind a cold stare...."

Mito hugged her friend while the woman cried loudly. Hiruzen frowned watching the once happy all the time uchiha pour her heart out. First Madara then Hikaku. Now them.

" tell her....I want only hatred to be seen on her eyes towards me for I didn't  deserve her kind heart."


An elderly woman was seen walking as she eyed the familiar figure carved in a large hill. She smiled blinking as she looked at the water slowly leaning down


black eyes snapped open as cold sweat ran down said persons forehead.

˚(亝ω亝。) This chapter ..*sigh* made no sense for me ...*hides in shame*

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