Waiting and Rival

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----Le Skip-----

_(n)_ blinked twice "eh." The girl glared while Madara blinked putting his large kunai on his back pouch " your not going." "Why????" She glared more while 18 year old turned towards her" because I say so. As the clan leader." The girl had pure rage shown on  " Madara. Just because i'm a woman!" " I'm not that sexist! I just won't have the time to keep an eye on you and on Izuna ! " he turned again glaring . The boy placed his hands on her shoulders making her twitch " do me a favor and listen. " he blinked while she blushed a bit looking to the side "......mm........." The boy smiled turning away as he calmly walked.

_(n)_ sigh seeing the doors close. She turned seeing her mother staring at her "........." _(m/n)_ smiled at her. The woman knew what her daughter felt. It wasn't easy for her to let go of Madara since well...her father and Tajima had died on war. The Uchiha walked towards the woman looking down worriedly ' Madara....'




" how long till we scout further."

"Not yet Izuna."

Madara looked around carefully eyeing the place. The young brother staid by his side but quickly pulled him as three kunai fell right where he stood .

"An ambush!!!?? They knew we were here !!!"


Madara looked around activating his sharingan " Izuna." " got it ." The 15 year old quickly ran jumping tree to tree after the albino . The older brother glared seeing a senju appeared right in front of him. But he wasn't a lone. A girl was next to him " Hashirama. Who's .."

"Madara Uchiha. I am Toka. Toka Senju. "

She got ready along with the brunette. Madara had a small sweat trail down his temple seeing her cold expression. He gaps not seeing her at place while Hashirama rushed towards him " son of a bitch!!" He glared but blinked seeing a kunai fly over him making the shuriken  being thrown at him land on the floor. The Uchiha turned seeing a back haired girl " you. " _(n)_ glared activating her sharingan as she  quickly ran punching the senju girl on the face " idiot fight Hashirama . I'll take care of her."
Madara glared but quickly ran towards the brunette while _(n)_ ran towards the black haired senju.


Madara breath hard sweating while his stomach clenched a bit feeling cold hands being place on the large gash on his chest. He did a painful moan clutching the blood cover sheets under him. The Uchiha opened his eyes half way eyeing the girl healing him "idiot......why did...." " shut up and rest. Be lucky I came when i did." _(n)_ looked at him worriedly " at least be grateful you didn't die." The teen blinked twice blushing slowly . He looked to the side irritated.
The young girl sigh looking back at the ugly gash seeing the skin slowly  attach but it leaving markings "what about Izuna." "His okay...his resting ." "Mm...." Madara blinked tiredly as he eyed her. He closed his eyes hearing his own breathing ' she really isn't.....ugly....'

_(n)_ looked at him seeing him out cold again " idiot....." She smiled leaning down placing her lips on his cheek. The girl sat up straight smiling calmly but stopped remembering her.


She glared smirking. She finally found one. She finally found some one who is at her Same level. She finally found a rival.


the crickets were heard loudly on the camp along with the fire cracking. Madara opened his eyes having sweat running down his forehead 'ugh............' He looked to the side twitching a bit in pain and shock. _(n)_ was sleeping right next to him while her hand laid on his bandaged chest. He blushed slowly looking straight. It was normal for him to see her sleeping like this as a child but now It was kinda weird for him. He twitched feeling her move a bit but her hand stayed on his chest. Particularly on his heart.

The male tried moving to sit up but let out a grunt making her eyes snapped open " don't move idiot ." The girl sat up rubbing her eyes " do you need to go to the restroom ??" "................" He blushed darkly nodding with his eyes close. The blinked blushing a it but smiled " I'll help you walk, don't worry I won't peek!" "....that's what you always say..." "Hehe!!!" "Perv......"


_(n)_ smiled laying against a tree hearing water splashing in the floor " you really needed to go Hu..." "S-Stop listening !!" Madara glared blushing from the other side he stiffened feeling a presence "....don't stand behind me when I pee !!!" He looked back but blinked seeing her pointing having her back facing him " look at it....." Madara moved his eyes up seeing a falcon flying alone "Hu........" He blinked peeing again forgetting she was there. "See now you can pee with me right here !" ".............what's wrong with you ......."

-------- morning -------

_(n)_ helped a boy walk a bit. Madara blushed slowly eyeing the peaceful area " any word from Izuna ?" " he said no senju had been spotted around. Maybe they left ." " Hmp. It is like Hashirama to leave after a 10 hour fight ."the boy blinked being laid against a tree slowly sitting on the floor. The girl sat across from him smiling " what?" " what was that about you growing your hair ~~" "......urusai....I said I'll tell you some other day." He puffed his cheeks irritated by her smirk. Madara sightseeing her hugging his arm giggling but blinked seeing the falcon flying again " I wonder what it's looking for..." _(n)_ looked up eyeing the majestic thing "...probably for some one to fly with him....." " how do you know it's not a she ?" " a female never flies alone....she stays with the children." The girl smiled turning to him while Madara looked at her " your weird.." " says the one who likes hearing the song ~~" "Urusai...." He looked away but kept eyeing the bird flying off slowly disappearing on the clouds while his hand held something warm. An other hand. _(n)_ smiled calmly looking at the baby blue sky "........Madara." "Mm..." "...never mind !!" She smiled at him while he raised an eyebrow confuse "Kay....?"


Toka Senju was Hashirama and Tobiramas cousin btw !! (=゚ω゚)ノ

I really missed writing Madara as my kuro Tama one ! Less sassy and more serious ! \(//∇//)\ pretty much Kishimoto style !

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