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AN: I would like you all to know that I will be updating every Friday with a new chapter. That's a promise. Now, the reason why I decided to do this is because Wattpad would delete all my chapters that I had saved in order to post all the new chapters of this book in one day. I got tired of getting on and seeing a blank chapter that was once finished. So, I'm posting a chapter every Friday.

        STELLA was sitting on a chair all the way in the back of the club, staring down at her phone with her lips pressed in a thin line. Everyone in the club was dancing and having the time of their lives besides the Argent that was sitting down. A couple of months ago she would have put her phone away and start drinking, dance on top of the tables, and would have gotten into a fight with someone.

But, instead she was serious with the task that Scott had given her. Which was to stay out of trouble and stay cautious of everyone. She didn't want to mess up her role and decided to try to blend in with the people.

Although, there was another reason to why she wasn't enjoying herself which didn't involve her mission. It involved another thing and it was personal. Which is why she was by herself all the way in the back of the room. Not wanting anyone to bother her at the moment.

"What are you doing?" Malia asked beside her but Stella didn't move a muscle or left her eyesight off of the phone.

She smelt and heard Malia walking closer to her. Stella just didn't bother to say anything to her because she didn't want to communicate with her at all.

"Blending in." Stella simply answered, silently begging for the werecoyote to leave her alone but of course Malia didn't realize that and decided to stay a bit longer to speak with her.

"I know that I've been a Coyote for more than half of my life but I'm pretty sure doing nothing in a club isn't blending in." Stella couldn't help but crack a smile at her comment, although that only lasted for half a second.

"What do you suggest that I do then, Lia?" Malia tilted her head a bit to the right at the sudden nickname that Stella had given her right on the spot.

"Who's Lia? My name is Malia." She responded back with an innocent look on her face causing Stella to let out a small laugh.

"You. It's short for Malia."

"Oh." Malia muttered but then started to smile brightly, "Dance."

"You want me to dance?" Stella asked in surprise.

"Yeah, why not? You can dance with me. I like dancing. I don't like math though."

Stella couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. Malia might not know it but she was helping her keep her mind off of Allison.

They were suppose to travel together and the first place on their list was Mexico. Which is where the pack was at right now.

"Yeah, I know that you don't like math. You complain to me about it every day in class."

"Oh yeah."

The thing about Stella is that she has been distant from everyone ever since Allison and Aiden died. She would help the pack with anything but she wasn't the same after. She doesn't even make fun of Stiles. All she does is lock herself in Scott's extra room. Instead of living in the house that her uncle has left for her, she has been sleeping at the McCall's house.

They're the only two people she really talked to. But, when Malia came into their lives. Stella had to learn not to be too harsh on her. Malia was oblivious to the fact that Stella didn't like her company. But, the grumpy Argent soon became friends with the werecoyote. She still wasn't so fond of her but she was able to tolerate her.

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