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STELLA had chains around her hands. Stiles was trying his best to tighten them but not enough to hurt her.

          "I hate full moons."  Stella muttered angrily while he kept trying to adjust them putting all his attention on them being careful not to cause her any pain.

          She wouldn't admit it to him but the chains hurt her a lot during full moons. Especially when she loses control and tries to break free but she was too weak to break free. She was new to everything still although it's been a couple of months since her transformation.

          "It's going to get easier. I promise." He whispered to her with a small smile trying to reassure her that everything was going to get better.

          He took the chains off of her once he was done adjusting. She sighed and nodded but grabbed the chains away from him.

          "It better. Because this isn't going to hold much longer. One of these days i'm going to break free and kill one of you guys."

          "Well, then let's try and make tonight the last time we have to use these. Besides, we might need them for Liam." Stiles tells his girlfriend but then quickly looked up in regret.

          He wasn't suppose to tell her about Liam just yet. Especially when tonight is a full moon. If Stella doesn't end up killing him Scott surely wills.

          "Why would you guys need them for Liam?" Stella asked with a serious tone and waited for him to answer but Stiles only opened and closed his mouth not knowing what to say.

          "Well.... Scott.. Well he uh.. He might have bit him the other night. And his body accepted it so now he's going to turn." He stuttered while Stella growled at him angrily.

          "What! He's just a kid! How did this even happen? I was there that night how come I wasn't aware of this?"

          "I know, babe. But Scott had to do it to save him." He explained to her while she just stayed silent not wanting to argue with him.

          "I'm not mad that he saved him. I'm mad that Liam is only like what? Fifteen? And is already going to get dragged into this mess?" Stella scoffed shaking her head because she was barely able to survive through this mess how is a fifteen year old kid going to do it?

           Stiles opened his mouth to answer her but he was interrupted by his father's voice.

          "Hey. Um..." Stella heard Noah speak behind her causing her to turn around to look at him with a puzzled look.

"That's... This is not what you think at all." Stiles tells him while Stella started to get annoyed.

She didn't mean to be that annoyed. It was just the full moon. Her feelings felt stronger than before. It's why Stiles was careful on trying not to piss her off on these days.

"I don't even want to know." He tells the two teenagers that he loves but gets many headaches from them.

"There is nothing to know, cause I just..." Stiles trailed off not knowing what to say while his dad just walked out of his room to get to work.

"Stiles, just shut up." Stella mutters causing him to roll his eyes but then placed a kiss on her forehead.

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