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THEY both walked into the car and tried to figure the problem out. They wanted to know what they were hiding from. Stella tried to smelling the air to find some sort of other scent but absolutely nothing caught her attention. It was useless to try to catch a scent.

"Can you get a scent?" Derek asked making the brunette to shake her head no causing him to let a small sigh out.

"I'm sorry." Stella apologized to him as she leaned her head against the car seat and closed her eyes tightly, "I tried already and I just can't."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. If they don't want to be found, then we're not going to find them. Some werewolves have an ability. A kind of mastery over their bodies where they can actually inhibit their scent." He explained to her on why she wasn't going to be able to find them.

"They can hide from other werewolves?" She asked in shock.

"From anyone who's trying to find them."

"So that's why nobody knew about Brett." Stella muttered before commenting, "I want to learn how to do that what the hell!"

"Same with Demarco."

          Stella opened her eyes to see that Derek was slightly frustrated. So, it made her start to think more on how to help him out.

"Maybe we need to try something different. Maybe we need to think like Stiles." Stella suggested turning to him and he had a Are-You-Kidding-Me look on his face making Stella sigh.

"Like a hyperactive spaz?" He asked in confusion not understanding what she was really trying to say.

"Like a detective. If they're really Buddhists, then maybe instead of asking where werewolves hide, we should be asking..." Stella asked so Derek would catch on and finish her sentence.

"Where would Buddhists hide. When Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree, he looked to the east for enlightenment." He answered the question as he started his car once again and started to drive.

"Is there some kind of eastern point in Beacon Hills?" Stella asked not knowing the whole entire town yet by memory considering she did just move in not that long ago.

"Yeah. At Lookout Point." He says looking up at the road not wanting to crash especially since it was almost the middle of the night.

Derek felt guilty for having Stella stay with him and try to help him find the pack. She looked extremely tired but she insisted on staying with him. She wanted to help him and the pack.

"Do you think that we will ever get a break from the supernatural world?" Stella asked him being curious at that thought while he stared at her with surprise.

"No." He answered with honesty but it made her sad because they never have time for themselves. "But... what would you picture yourself doing if you did end up having a break?"

"Moving as far away as possible from here. No offense to your hometown but it's filled with murders." Stella answered truthfully making Derek chuckle at her answer before nodding agreeing with her comment,

          "I imagine myself going to Paris for college. I want to become an artist, you know? Maybe my paintings and drawings don't look so bad. I think they're worth enough to be in a museum. I just want to show my art off to the world. I want people to see my painting and to be able to point out my emotion by just look at the colors that i've chosen."

          Derek might've looked at her for a bit too long while he drove. But he soon snapped out of it and started to look back at the road. He was so mesmerized at the fact that she was his actual daughter. His daughter was such a beautiful brave woman who was also beautiful in the inside. He had created a mini him but as a female version and he didn't get the chance to see her grow up. He didn't have the chance to play tea parties, dress-up, or play barbies with her. He didn't get to see her walk for the first time. He didn't see her first hair cut. He didn't take her to her first day of school. He didn't hold her when she was born. He didn't get the chance to do anything.

          And that pained him. At the thought that Kate took all those experiences away from him because of their problems. Kate should've at least let him know about her. She wasn't even in Beacon Hills when she gave birth to Stella. Kate ended up having Stella in New York.

          "Hey, you okay, D? You look like you're crying." Stella says softly when she noticed that his eyes seemed watery getting her to get concern about him.

          "I'm fine, Stella. I promise. It's just that some dirty got in my eye." He cleared his theist which was extremely sore.

           Stella didn't believe his bull for one second, "Derek. I'm a werewolf now. I can smell that you're upset. What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything?"

          And for a few seconds... he thought about it. Actually telling her that her father was staring right at her. But, he closed his mouth before he said it. What if he wasn't good enough for her? What if he messes up and hurts her? What if he ends up being the worst father in the world? What if she wasn't ready to know the truth? What if she stops talking to him? What if she didn't want him as her father. What if she rejects him as her father?

          But most importantly he thought about her. Maybe she wasn't ready to know the truth yet. So, he stayed quiet and shook his head, trying his best to keep the tears away.

"Why did you choose me?" Stella asked trying to change the subject but also wanting to know the answer to her new question.

"I told you I wanted to teach you-" Derek started to say but got interrupted by her.

"I know. But, why me? Why not Malia? She's learning too."

"Because you remind me of someone who wasn't able to control themselves that well." Derek responded with pure honesty as he thought about himself when he was a teenager around her age, still having trouble with his werewolf senses at times.

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