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          STELLA kept twisting and turning in bed. Trying to find a comfortable spot in order to finally fall asleep.

She was having trouble sleeping with everything that's been going on. So, she finally got frustrated and sat up in her bed. Looking out her window to see the moon that was shining down at her.

Scott had left her multiple messages. All of them mentioned about a plan that he had in order to find out who the Benefactor is. It was a very stupid plan that Stella didn't agree with at all. Although, she would never text him back or text anyone else for that matter about it because she was still upset about them lying to her.

Stella laid back down and fluttered her eyes shut to try to fall asleep. But, she just wasn't able to. Flashes of her friends getting hurt was making her stay up.

So, that's when she decided that enough was enough. She couldn't continue being stubborn anymore. She couldn't just lay around at home doing nothing while her friends were at the hospital risking their lives to save other people. It just wasn't like her.

"Time to put on your big girl pants, Stella." She whispered to herself as she started to throw an outfit on and grabbed her two guns along with some throwing knives.

When she was arriving at the hospital she noticed that the power was off making her heart drop in fear. She should have been here with them.

Stella quickly walked into the hospital to see that the halls were completely empty. Blood was splattered all over the walls and all over the floor causing her to let out a breath that she didn't notice that she was holding in. The inside of the hospital looked like a scene that would be in those horror movies.

Stella finally got on the floor where they put the dead at. She was about to smile when she was able to smell Stiles scent but then she smelt a familiar scent that she never wanted to come across ever again.

"Get out of the way, Stiles. I'm taking the body." Kate demanded the human causing Chris to get in front of Stiles.

"Why? Visual confirmation?" He asked while getting closer to the door where Scott was being kept at.

He was scared shitless. But, he wasn't just going to let Kate take Scott that easily. No matter how scared he was. He was going to use all his strength to keep Kate away from his brother.

"Don't worry, handsome. I'm not The Benefactor." Kate says while stepping closer towards them.

"Call him handsome again and you'll be leaving this building without a tongue."

Kate turned around to see her daughter with a murderous look on her face. It was an interesting sight for her. Her own daughter seemed determined to keep the two men that she loved dearly safe.

"Stella... now that's no way to speak to your mother. This is the second time that I had to tell you." She spoke up while folding her arms in front of her chest.

"I'm sorry. Since when did you start becoming my mother? You've always been a worthless bitch to me." Stella chuckled dryly

"Stella, sweetie. You need to let go of our past and start being able to look at our future. I did save you not long ago."

"Our future? You have got to be kidding me. Ah, yes. Thanks for saving me and leaving me in the middle of no where." Stella let out a laugh once again before continuing to speak, "Look. You're not leaving this hospital with Scott's body. So, just leave."

"And who's going to stop me? I don't necessarily see someone who's strong enough to stop me in this room." Kate smirked knowing that that had hit the spot.

Stella extended her claws and started to leave claw marks across her mother's cheek. Kate growled loudly in pain and started to defend herself. They both immediately transformed and started to go at it with one another.

"Stella!" Stiles yelled out his girlfriends name not wanting her to get hurt by Kate.

Kate was finally able to gain more control and threw Stella out the room making the werewolf growl angrily. Stella was not exactly happy with that move that her mother had pulled on her. So, she quickly stood up and pulled out her gun.

Kate chuckled at that making Stella put her finger closer to the trigger making her mother stop walking towards her.

"Really, Stella?" Kate asked her daughter as if it was a joke and in seconds.

The gun was sliding across the other side of the hall while the older Argent picked up the younger one from her jacket and pushed her against the wall,

"You need to learn that you're a supernatural being with supernatural powers. You don't need a useless wea-"

Kate got cut off when she felt a cold metal against her skin. Stella had pulled out her second gun and put it below Kate's chin. If she pulls the trigger Kate dies immediately. One bullet straight to the brain and that was the end of Kate Argent. The end of her mother's life.

"I always forget that Chris carries two guns. I guess he taught you that, right?" She asked the brunette who was looking down at her, "Oh stop looking at me like that. I know that you won't pull the trigger, Diane."

"Don't call me that." Stella growled at her angrily.

She absolutely hated it when her mother would say her middle name. And Kate knew that. It's basically the only reason why she continues to call her by her middle name at times.

"Back off!" Chris yelled out and started to put his hands on Kate's shoulders.

"You sure you can pull the trigger fast enough?" Kate asked Stella. Completely focused on her and not on her older brother who was standing behind her, prepared to help Stella.

"Shut up!" Stella shouted at her and squeezed the gun tighter. She was able to feel the anger start to bubble inside her.

"You're not going to kill me."

"I'm not just going to let you take his body."

"Let go of her, Kate!" Stiles yelled at his girlfriends mom. He was hurting inside to see Stella's own mother not hesitating to hurt her at all. He couldn't imagine what Stella must have been feeling.

"Listen to me, Kate. We have a plan." Chris tried to convince his sister in order to have her let go of his niece.

"If killing Scott was part of it, you're worse than me." She shot back at him while she kept her eyes on Stella's.

"He's telling the truth. We're trying to get to The Benefactor." Stiles backed up Chris.

"If you didn't notice, you're on that list too. So, is your daughter. And you're worth more than most."

"That's why I'm here."

"Then back off and let us do what we planned. Take the Berserkers, and go." Chris says and had noticed that she was being hesitant causing him to continue on speaking,

"Kate, please. We have a plan." Chris had begged once more which seemed to have convinced her because she soon let go of Stella and started to walk off as if nothing had just happened.

Stiles pushed passed Chris and immediately wrapped his arms around the brunette who had dropped the gun onto the floor. She slowly wrapped her arms around his waist.

"It's okay. I've got you." He whispered before placing a kiss on the top of her head and hugging her tighter.

Stella was afraid of the person that she was starting to become. Because although letting go of her mother was the right thing to do. She still had that thought in the back of her mind that she should've just pulled the trigger. Then, everything would hurt less.

AN ; it's late ass fuck. Sorry for any errors. (: <3

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