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STELLA started to walk up the stairs with Malia trailing up behind her. It seemed like the werecoyote was going to follow the werewolf all around. At first it bothered Stella but now she's been getting use to it and would've felt weird if Malia wasn't trailing behind her.

It reminded her of the days when she would trail behind Allison. Always sticking by her side at school and at home. It almost felt like stuff was going back to normal but her heart was still missing a piece and Allison was the one who had took that piece to her grave.

"Are you good in math, Ella?" Malia asked not noticing how Stella has flinched slightly at the nickname.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Why you need tutoring?"

Malia sighed but nodded at her with a frown. She didn't like how behind she was from everyone. She felt like she was the black sheep of the pack and that embarrassed her.

Stella turned to look at her and offered her a genuine smile. She knew how Malia felt.

"Don't worry. Scott is struggling in math too even though he doesn't want to admit it. Lydia struggles with Gym. Kira with science and Stiles with Spanish. The only thing he knows how to say in Spanish is no." Stella smirked when she talked about the human boy who had stolen her heart.

The bell ranged loudly meaning that it was time for their next class. Malia wanted to groan not wanting to go to History because she was still learning every single subject. She was weak in every single one of her classes besides gym class. Every time the gym teacher decided to let the class play dodgeball. Malia would end up becoming the winner in the end.

"I just want to go visit Derek." Stella moaned when she sat in her assigned seat which was right behind Scott.

"W-why would you want to go visit sourwolf?" Stiles stammered nervously causing Scott to glare at him for being too obvious.

Stella narrowed her eyes at him not understanding what his problem was. She had noticed that Stiles, Scott, and Lydia have been acting weird around her. Almost as if they were hiding something from her. Whatever it was. Stella wanted to know.

"Why wouldn't I want to go visit him? He's my friend."

"Right. Of course. Friend." Stiles coughed and turned back around to the front to pay attention to Mr. Yukimura who had started to write on the board with the chalk.

"It might surprise you to know that some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures. One you'll recognize from last night's reading failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of Congress, and lost as Vice President, before he was finally elected as one of the greatest presidents that this country has ever seen. Who was he?" Mr. Yukimura asked the whole class.

          Stiles and a couple of other students rose their hands to answer the question. Although, for some reason teachers always choose on the students who don't have their hand up.

"Malia." He called on her making Scott and Stiles turn their whole body to stare at Malia.

          Stella muttered under her breath before turning around to see that Malia was embarrassed. Everyone was staring at her waiting for the answer while she was struggling. Malia didn't like the stares that she was getting making the Argent frown.

The Other Hale ➳ Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now