Acknowledgements / Introduction / Contents

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The 99 Poem Challenge


The 99 Poem Challenge is the brainchild of Warrior_Prophet. Also, special thanks belongs to cristinaaragon, who created the book cover for this collection.


Once again, I'm writing yet another introduction to another poem collection that's been on here for years. It's becoming something of a running gag in my poetic works. But that's okay, because that's just a part of my modus operandi in general. Oh, and I find it interesting that 'poetry' rhymes with 'bravery.' I don't know; I thought it was interesting. ( <_< )

Anyway, this collection was started back in 2011 as a poetry writing challenge I took along with several other poets on Wattpad. And The 99 Poem Challenge started from the brain of Warrior_Prophet after he read some of my acrostic poems in Acrostic Quotes, and we came up with this challenge as a way to challenge and improve our poetic skills. We kept it up for a while, maybe around a year or almost a year as a group challenge with other poets on Wattpad; during that time, we continued it up to the first forty poems in this collection. Most poets in the initial group could only get up to ten poems before tapping out, some got up to twenty poems, and I think only 2 people (myself and Warrior_Prophet) did over 30 poems. As for me, I did 41 poems in the group challenge before it started to lag and fade away sometime in early 2012. After that, the challenge went dormant for around four years.

After a four-year hiatus, I decided to continue this challenge as a personal challenge earlier this year (2016). Right now, I've been writing 1-3 poems a day every other day or even every day since the start of summer, among other writing projects, both prosaic and poetic. It's been humbling and empowering to write these pieces, as every new poetry form challenges me in different ways; I plan on using the experience writing this collection as a resource for writing my other poetry collections. I've definitely learned a lot in the course of writing this collection; it's one of my most ambitious poetry collections, and it's my favorite one so far.

And for you Wattpad poets—or any poets, for that matter—wanting to challenge and expand their poetic skills, try this challenge. I dare you to. From experience (and I'm not kidding), The 99 Poem Challenge is one of the toughest poem writing challenges on the internet today. It's tough, at times even grueling, but if you're willing to put in the effort, it will build your confidence as a poet and build the foundations of your poetry writing skills that you can use for future endeavors. Remember: 'poetry' rhymes with 'bravery.' It takes courage to try new things, whether in writing or in life.


Table of Contents

1. Limerick — King Richard
2. Haiku — Good Friday
3. Cinquain — Nightmare
4. Tanka — A Thief in the Night
5. Acrostic — Franklin D. Roosevelt
6. Refrain — Partners in Crime
7. Ode — My Father's Sword
8. Prose Poem — Letter of Complaint
9. Couplets — The Muse in Me
10. Sonnet — The Player
11. Doggerel — Complaints
12. Carpe Diem — Young at Heart
13. Clerihew — "Tony" Shalhoub
14. Haibun — Springtime Suicide
15. Burlesque — The Armadillo
16. Nonnet — Dream On
17. Ballad — The Bunny Man
18. Blank Verse — William Shakespeare
19. Cacopony — Their Evil Plan
20. Tanaga — The Eye
21. Triolet — That Silent Clot
22. Pantoum — Revenge
23. Sijo — Books
24. Choka — Paper Brigade Creed
25. Ghazal — War Between Brothers
26. Rondeau — Imagine That
27. Palindrome — Immortal Love
28. Tyburn — Rain, Rain, Go Away
29. Fable — Penguin's Bluff
30. Minute — The Shadow of Death
31. Tongue Twister — Purple Prose
32. Etheree — Awaiting Death
33. Epitaph — Car-Crash Victim
34. Villanelle — Thoughts on Time
35. Essence — To the Victor Go the Spoils...
36. Vers Beaucoup — Forget my Name
37. Nove Otto — Love & Friendship
38. Poe Style (Gothic) — Lizzie Borden Took an Axe
39. Pleiades — Donuts
40. Naani — Misunderstandings
41. Rondel — The Reader's Manifesto
42. Spencerian Stanza — Unrequited Love
43. Sestina — Writer's Block
44. Terza Rima — John Keats
45. Ballade — Tears for My Father
46. Hymn — True Compassion
47. Roundel — Indignation
48. HexSonnetta — My Lady's Burning Eyes
49. Tetractys — Jealousy
50. Strambotto — Cliché, Cliché
51. Inverted Refrain — Mother of Compassion
52. Quinzaine — Noodles
53. Staccato — Heartbreak Horizon
54. La'Ritmo — Beyond the Veil
55. Rondelet — I'm Praying For
56. Terzanelle — Outcast
57. Rispetto — Lover on the Shore
58. Dizain — My Judy Windermere
59. Septolet — Heavenly Knowledge
60. Quatern — Secret Friend
61. Free Verse — The Muse Unchained
62. Monorhyme — Killjoy Roy vs. the Tomboy
63. Lauranelle — Brooding
64. Epigram — Stupid Bastards
65. Roundelay — Swan Princess
66. Villonnet — The Real Meaning of Progress
67. Kyrielle — Rainbow, Forgiveness
68. Ottava Rima — Poète Maudit
69. La'Tuin — Beauty's Vanity
70. Musette — Target Practice
71. Cascade — The Journey
72. Rhyme Royal — Pervert Hotline
73. RemyLa Rhyme Form — Burnout
74. Triquatrain — The Unnamable One
75. Dialogue Poem — Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
76. Paradelle — Rage Quit
77. Florette — Keep Out
78. Duo-Rhyme — The End of Love
79. Synchronicity — Waiting
80. Chant Royal — The Realm of God
81. Stave — Beer Goggles
82. Tendi — Cave of Giants
83. Quaternion — One Woman, Four Faces
84. Virelai Ancien — The Quick & the Dead
85. Onegin Stanza — Don't Care Anymore
86. Elegy — No Name
87. Monchielle — Supplication
88. Retourne — Losing Hope
89. Double Dactyl — Sakura Harem
90. LaCharta — Coffee Steam
91. Bar Form — Threshold to Adventure
92. LaJemme — Dream in a Library
93. Troubadouric Song — Hikikomori Blues
94. Romantic Stanza — A Moment Out of Time
95. Crown of Sonnets — Stalker Shakespeare
96. Sapphic Stanza — Fame's a Woman
97. Virelai Nouveau — Another Chance
98. Canzone — The Light Within
99. Epic — The Flying Dutchman
       Canto 1
       Canto 2
       Canto 3 (Fragment)


(To be continued...)

A/N: This poem collection WILL be finished... ( >_< )

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