89. Double Dactyl -- Sakura Harem

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The 99 Poem Challenge

89. Double Dactyl — Sakura Harem

Loveliest fantasy,
Anthony Anderson
Wished on a miracle
Woman so fair;

Wishing too mightily,
He got one-hundred-one
Sakura Harunos
Standing right there!

(To be continued...)

A/N: The double dactyl, invented by Anthony Hecht and Paul Pascal, is a 2-stanza form, usually humorous but considerably rigid and difficult to write. Each stanza comprises three lines of dactylic dimeter followed by one line of just a choriamb. The two stanzas have to rhyme on their last lines. The first line of the first stanza is repetitive nonsense. The second line of the first stanza is the subject of the poem, which is supposed to be a double-dactylic proper noun (though Hecht and other poets sometimes bent or ignored this rule). There is also a requirement for at least one line, preferably the second line of the second stanza, to be entirely one double dactyl word. Some purists still follow Hecht and Pascal's original rule that no single six-syllable word, once used in a double dactyl, should ever be knowingly used again.

Meter: Dactylic dimeter (Dum-da-da-Dum-da-da)
Meter: Choriambic monometer (Dum-da-da-dum)
Rhyme: xxxa xxxa

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