61. Free Verse -- The Muse Unchained

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The 99 Poem Challenge

61. Free Verse — The Muse Unchained

Unchain this melody—no!
Shatter the chains of meter and rhyme,
Like the shot of a shotgun's blasting buckshot
Spreading a blade of death across fields of blood.
Rip the muse's garments, ravish her
And let her scream the song of true passion
At the highest pitch of humanity's soul.

We live in a world without rhythm or timing
To keep the beats of the heartbeats
From straining and stressing.
We live in a world of pain and misery,
Where love and death and lust and pain
And mirth and want and need and hunger
Mingle and flash and scatter about.
We live in a web of lies holding within
Shreds of truth inside.
We live and strive and curse and triumph
Over ourselves, over each other, over the mountains
We build and under the bridges we burn.
We live to die and die to live,
Living on the edge of lies we hold inside ourselves,
Living on the blade of unseen truths
That splay out secrets from bloated guts and broken hearts
And shattered dreams and demented minds.

The muse is all around us and inside us,
Sharing with us (with me and with you)
Our deepest secrets and our weirdest thoughts,
Our wildest dreams and our darkest fears,
Our gravest doubts and our loftiest aspirations.
The muse is in the shadows of your room,
In the shadows of your dreams,
In the shadows of forgetfulness,
Sparking out of the darkness like a shot in the dark.
The muse is a saint and the muse is a whore,
The muse is a brave and the muse is a coward,
The muse is in me and the muse is in you.
So long as we live and breath and strive and feel,
The muse is alive and unchained,
Free to love and hate and lust and desire,
As free as you dare her to be,
As free as you let yourself become.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Free Verse is an irregular form of poetry in which the content free of traditional rules of versification, fixed meter or rhyme.

Meter: Free verse (irregular)
Rhyme: None

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