79. Synchronicity -- Waiting

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The 99 Poem Challenge

79. Synchronicity — Waiting

I view the trail of glowing sparks
Scrape on the mesosphere of night—

I swear upon that shooting star
To ease my quaking in my chest—
And hope.

I turn towards my better half
And see her still asleep upon
The bed.

The star I wish upon is meant
For all of us—for mother, child
And me.

For countless were the hours of pain
And courage in her strain to have
Our child.

The child is three weeks premature,
Resting in an incubator—

* * *

The doctor tells me they are fine,
Just resting after struggling through
Last night.

But something tells me to hang on—
Hope for the best, expect the worst
To come.

(To be continued...)

A/N: The word, 'synchronicity,' is the state or fact of being synchronous or simultaneous (synchronism) or coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related. This form, created by Debra Gundy, consists of eight 3-line stanzas in a syllable pattern of 8-8-2. This poetry type has no rhyme and is written in the first person with a twist, where the twist is to be revealed within the last two stanzas.

Meter: Syllabic (8-8-2)
Rhyme: None

Note: This poem starts the theme continued in the 81st poem of this collection, "Stave — Beer Goggles," and concluded in the 90th poem of this collection, "LaCharta — Coffee Steam."

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