57. Rispetto -- Lover on the Shore

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The 99 Poem Challenge

57. Rispetto — Lover on the Shore

You roll and crash upon my humble sand,
   Making sweet love to me between my shanks;
Atlantic stranger, where you make your stand,
   There shall I linger on your gentle banks.

I've seen the sunsets light your handsome face,
I've heard the winds churn up your fluid lace,
   But when I feel your watery caress,
   My word of sweet surrender comes with "Yes!"

(To be continued...)

A/N: Rispetto is an Italian form of poetry of two rhymed quatrains with strict meter, usually iambic tetrameter or iambic pentameter with a rhyme scheme of abab ccdd, and usually written with a theme of love or respect, literally or figuratively.

Meter: Iambic tetrameter or iambic pentameter
Rhyme: abab ccdd or abab cddc or ababab cc

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