87. Monchielle -- Supplication

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The 99 Poem Challenge

87. Monchielle — Supplication

Exhausted with this life,
I flee the outside world
   Of all my living pains,
A world condemned to hate
   The goodness that remains.

Exhausted with this life,
I lose the narrow path
   That leads to better things,
Entrapped within the past
   Of hatred's bitter stings.

Exhausted with this life,
I fall upon my knees
   In supplication to
The savior of my soul,
   Starting my prayer anew.

Exhausted with this life,
I say unto the air,
   "My Lord, forgive the wrongs
Of this unworthy man.
   In You this man belongs."

(To be continued...)

A/N: The Monchielle, created by Jim T. Henriksen, is a poem that consists of four five-line stanzas where the first line repeats in each verse. Each line within the stanzas consist of six syllables, and lines three and five rhyme.

Meter: Iambic trimeter
Rhyme: Abcdc Aefgf Ahiji Aklml

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