39. Pleiades -- Donuts

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The 99 Poem Challenge

39. Pleiades — Donuts

Dunk those tasty morsels
Deep into the coffee,
Demonstrating technique
During the eating phase
Described in the Dunkin'
Donuts etiquette sheet:
Dip, Lift, Open and Eat.

(To be continued...)

A/N: The Pleiades was invented in 1999 by Craig Tigerman, Sol Magazine's Lead Editor. Only one word is allowed in the title followed by a single seven-line stanza. The first word in each line begins with the same letter as the title. Hortensia Anderson, a popular haiku and tanka poet, added her own requirement of restricting the line length to six syllables.

Meter: Syllabic
Rhyme: None

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