23. Sijo -- Books

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The 99 Poem Challenge

23. Sijo — Books

The pages inside a book, they are no more than flattened pulp.
The words in all its pages, they're nothing more than printed ink.
But as you read through all those lines, you'll find a world beyond them.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Sijo is a Korean poetic form consisting of 3 lines, each line averaging 14-16 syllables. Within each line, there are four phrases of a specified number of syllables adding up to 14-16 syllables, giving it a kind of rhythm, though it's not as rigid as the meters used in English. Line 1 states the theme, line 2 elaborates on line 1, first part of the line 3 states a counter-theme (twist) & the last part of line 3 concludes. Subjects vary.

Meter: Syllabic (3-4-4-4—3-4-4-4—3-5-4-3)
Rhyme: None

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