11. Doggerel -- Complaints

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The 99 Poem Challenge

11. Doggerel — Complaints

I'd like to make this here complaint
To those who say all's well—it ain't.
A better day I often sought,
And oft pursued but never got.
The milk I drank has now gone sour
Upon this early breakfast hour.
And at the bus stop I would wait,
But now I find that I'm too late.
So now I walk and take my time,
And—yay!—I think I found a dime!
And on the dot at 9 a.m.,
I stop and find an ATM.
But now I know I've been a fool
To enter class and take the stool,
Where Teacher said that I must sit
Behind the class to think a bit.
The ATM took all my money,
And all my classmates think it's funny.
My dog ate all my homework to-day,
But Teacher won't believe what I say!
And now I have a stomach ache,
And yet I know she thinks it's fake.
And at P.E. I'm never safe,
Because I'd make the bullies chafe;
The bullies all push me around,
And no one here would make a sound.
And did I mention my bad luck
To have no friends because I suck?
And at the sacred hour of lunch,
I'd feel a tooth to crack and crunch.
And now in utter horrid pain,
I cry and pout and still complain.
And finally when school is done,
I have to make the quickest run
To catch the bus that left too soon
Before the start of freaking June!
And when I end my homeward scram,
I find I left my backpack—damn!
My parents now are really pissed
For something that I've never missed.
And after eating dinner's fishes,
I have to wash up all the dishes.
And when I'm doing all my homework,
Including stuff I have to re-work,
I see a UFO tonight,
But people think I have no sight.
My parents think I'm way too lazy,
And other people think I'm crazy.
A longer list I could have made,
But I'll just let these problems fade.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Doggerel is a derogatory term for verse considered of little literary value. Format can vary widely, with different stanzas and meters.

Meter: Iambic tetrameter
Rhyme: aabbccddee...

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