30. Minute -- The Shadow of Death

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The 99 Poem Challenge

30.  Minute — The Shadow of Death

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
—Psalm 23:4

I walk within this gloomy shade
To find a glade,
   A path of light
   Against the night.

Alas, I've lost the safest way
To reach the day!
   I'm lost in gloom
   And filled with doom!

But in the shadow of my death,
I gain my breath
   And soldier on
   Towards the sun.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Minute is a fixed poetic form consisting of 12 lines of 60 syllables separated into three stanzas written in strict iambic meter.

Meter: Iambic & syllabic (8-4-4-4 8-4-4-4 8-4-4-4)
Rhyme: aabb ccdd eeff

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