24. Choka -- Paper Brigade Creed

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The 99 Poem Challenge

24. Choka — Paper Brigade Creed

   Deliver the news
Every day six days a week,
   From five until six,
And always be here on time;
   Deliver the news
Through wind and heat and showers,
   Through spring and autumn's
Sudden change in temperature;
   Deliver the news
Through traffic and barking dogs,
   Through bullies and pranks,
Through everything come what may.
   Be ready to ride,
For we are the messengers
Of hope, the paper brigade.

(To be continued...)

A/N: A choka is a longer form of the tanka, consisting of 5-7 Japanese sound units phrases repeated at least twice, and concludes with a 5-7-7 ending. Subjects vary.

Meter: Syllabic (5-7-5-7...5-7-7)
Rhyme: None

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