ONE High Gear

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{warning} This story may contain graphic descriptions, Self harm, depression, suicidal thoughts and MANY FEELS.

"Gabriel! Get your ass outta my car!" Dean yelps from the door of the warehouse. Gabriel waves his arm and slides out of the sleek black muscle car, staring down Dean with his whiskey coloured eyes.
"Sam! Close the overhead door!" Crowley commands in a thick british accent. Dean performs a quick inspection of the windows of the large abandon warehouse that him amd his team of snipers have chosen.
"Lucifer. Any news?" Dean asks as he swings his M82 off his shoulder and onto the bench.
"Local so far. News helicopters on the way. No witnesses." Lucifer says clicking around his blue, touch glass screen. His headset has a steady static noise.
"No cops called yet. You got back in record time." Lucifer reports.
"Where's Bobby?" Sam asks jogging up to the rest, he slips his bulletproof jacket off and slides the ammo from his black baggy cargo pants and onto the weapons bench.
"And Sam's SASS?" Dean asks.
"Sam never leaves his sass." Lucifer comments as he taps the screen.
"Hey!" Sam yips.
"See." Lucifer points, squinting at his top left security camera.
"Sam's Semi Automatic Sniper System?" Bobby pops around the corner.
"What have you been doing?!" Dean asks pointedly.
"Feild stripping and cleaning your guns." Bobby replies sharply.
"Alright, jeez." Dean surrenders.
"Hey. Black car, SUV. Camera Eight." Lucifer informs. Sam rushes over.
"Yeah. Looks like Hendriksen, Dean." Sam winces.
"Alright. You all know the drill." Dean says. He latches velcro strips over the guns on the tables and drags his fingertips so the table top flips. Crowley swipes up his darts and begins throwing them at a dart board. Sam and Gabriel start playing cards on the table and Bobby joins in after tossing each person a beer. Lucifer swipes his blue Tony Stark type screen to the side and they pixelize into non-existant. He tosses several laptops on the table and switches out his headsets for a more noob type lame one and flips opens the computers that have games set on their screens. Dean rips his bulletproof vest off and unloads the ammo from his pocket dropping them in a container on the ground and stepping on the edge to close the trap door. He loads his pockets with wrenches and stuffs a cloth in his pocket. The operation is done in a 15 seconds as Dean pops the hood of his 1967 Chevrolet Impala and starts to tune her up.
"Cheater." Sam mumbles.
"It's not cheating. I'm just good at tricking people. So good it's like magic." Gabriel snickers.
"Trickster." Sam says.
"Dammit!" Lucifer curses.
"Luci. Geez, it's just a game." Dean says.
"Game?! How would you like it if I came over and kicked your car sayin' it was a game." Lucifer waves his hand dramatically.
"Satan." Dean grumbles.
"Boys boys. Please. I'm tryin to throw darts here." Crowley says.
"Ya ain't tryin' very hard." Bobby comments as a dart flies through the air and hits the black on the board.
"Shut up." Crowley growls ashamed. Dean smirks as everyone plays their roles accurately. Crowley as full well capable of hitting bullseye every single time he throws. Gabriel and Sam play themselves. The trickster and the sassy smartass or Moose, as Crowley nicknamed him. He is tall for 22. Taller than his brother Dean at 26. For Missions, Lucifer is Luci or Bowie because Luci sounds like a girls name. Crowley is MB, stand for Metallic Blood because he always has a metallic red tie on. Dean is the leader of the group. They call him Dean or Dropout. Dean dropped out of school in 10th grade to continue with asassination on a steady path. And Bobby doesn't do any shooting. He maintains the guns. Lucifer is an in out shooter. If he is needed then Bobby does the camera's too as well as the coms. There is a loud banging on the side door of the wooden warehouse.
"It's open!" Lucifer screams. Dean cringes and the door swings open heavily.
"Don't break that! I just fixed it!" Dean says from under his hood.
"I'm sure you did." Hendriksen replies. Hendriksen is out to prove that this group of boys are doing something bad. His boss doesn't believe him. The dark skinned man walks to Dean quickly.
"That pace isn't very professional." Dean comments. Hendriksen wraps an arm around Dean's neck and drags him away from the car.
"Ey, watch the beer!" Dean warns. The silver wrench has a metallic tang as it clatters to the ground. Everyone stops and is Dead quiet.
"There was a murder on sixth, do you know anything about it?" Hendriksen growls. Dean looks the Lucifer who looks confused by the street it was on.
"How did the bullet enter?" Dean asks. Hendriksen pushes him away.
"It was straight through. Same level all the way through, stomach to back." Hendriksen sighs giving up.
"No. Wasn't me." Dean replies honestly. His shots are always in the head. They die the fastest. Dean sighs at his technique.
"I will catch you in the act kid. Do not try and hide anything from me." Hendriksen hisses.
"Alright. Have fun. Buh bye." Dean waves. He picks up his wrench, leaning back over his car. Hendriksen growls at everyone and Gabriel and Sam snicker from their table while Lucifer just grins. The wooden door slams and Dean closes the hood as everyone stands up with their beers. They crowd quietly into the house end of the warehouse. Half of the warehouse is for the planning of assassination and storing of weapons. It's for missions. The back half is like a house. It has a TV and kitchen, it's heated and has bedrooms for everyone. Lucifer and Gabriel share a room and Sam and Dean share.
"Hey Sammy. I'm proud of you, you did good today. Aim is almost better than mine." Dean comments throwing an arm around his brothers shoulder. Sam gives off a small grin and leans against his brother.
"We've all had a long day. Time for bed." Lucifer yawns.
"Agreed!" Gabriel and Sam say in unison.
"Everyday is a long day." Dean comments. Bobby and Crowley just nod and Dean lets them all head off to their seperate sleeping places and follows Sam.
"Goodnight, Sammy." Dean announces as he flops onto the bed.
"Goodnight, Dean." Sam replies. Dean's eyes flutter shut and the permanent colour of crimson red floods his memory like a wave of the blood from the people he killed who he never knew.

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