THIRTEEN Brother's Day Out

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"Alright Sammy. Pick your gun!" Dean says gesturing to a wide wall of loaded weapons.
"The fifty cal Desert Eagle." Sam points. Dean tells the shooting rage attendant and Sam takes the gun to the targets.
"I'll take the forty five Winchester Magnum." Dean says. He gets handed a black pistol with 45. Caliber rimless rounds. Made by a company named Winchester. Like his last name. He examines the flawless gun.
"Looks new." Dean says. He stands in the little slot next to Sam and holds the gun up. He fires off about five rounds.
"It's about a week and two days old." Dean corrects himself.
"This one has only been used... Roughly three times." Sam says flipping the gun on his palm.
"Keep shooting until your hand goes numb." Dean instrucs with a smile. Sam grins and aims the gun.


"What do you want to eat?" Dean asks staring at a menu from a local cafè.
"The salad." Sam says.
"Ugh." Dean scoffs.
"Hi, boys. Can I take your order?" A girl with wavy dark chocolate brown hair smiles down at the two and Dean reads the name 'Lisa' on the nametag.
"Yeah, I'll have a burger and fries and black coffee." Dean says thinking about Cas.
"I'll just have a salad and water. Thanks." Sam forces a small smile.
"Of course." Lisa smiles as she jots down the order. He hair bounces as she walks to the kitchen.
"Nice girl, don't you think, Dean?" Sam asks.
"Mmm." Dean hums in a flat tone.
"You are sticking with Cas. Aren't you?" Sam asks in a disappointed tone.
"Sammy. I know it's a case but I... I don't know. I get this warm floating feeling in my stomach whenever I see him. And when he talks I don't want to respond, I just have an urge to giggle because it sounds so cute. Anytime he hugs me I get goosebumps and when he kisses me, awe Sammy when he kisses me-"
"Oh-kay. You can stop there." Sam laughs.
"You really are in love." Sam finishes.
"I really am." Dean admits.
"You know. That once the football season begins.. That the last game... We will have to kill him." Sam explains sadly.
"I know. But it's a mission." Dean's voice breaks. He has never disobeyed or failed a mission and he won't start now because of love.
Or will I? Dean asks himself.
"I wonder if Chuck would let me push off this one mission." Dean brings up staring out the window at his sleek black car, shining in the afternoon sunlight.
"Highly doubt it. But worth a shot." Sam shrugs.
"Mhm." Dean hums.
"Here we are!" Lisa returns quickly with a tray set across her arm. She sets down Sam's salad and water, then Dean's burger and coffee.
"There we are boys." Lisa confirms.
"Thank you." Dean smiles.
"You are absolutely welcome." Lisa says walking away slowly with the empty tray dangling from her fingers. Dean and Sam eat happily and in silence.
"Hi boys. My name is Jessica and I will be taking over Lisa's place." A girl with blonde hair smiles widely down at the two.
"Hi." Sam chokes out.
"Anything I can get for either of you? More drinks? Food?" Jessica asks.
"Uhm. More water would be nice. Thank you." Sam says. Jessica nods and wanders off, keeping eye contact with Sam for several seconds.
"Oooooooo!" Dean mocks.
"Shut up." Sam tries to hide his smile.
"Dude! I know that look! You like her!" Dean cheers like a little kid.
"Hey. Keep it down, alright? Yeah, she's beautiful." Sam admits shyly.
"Get her number." Dean dares.
"No way!" Sam gawks.
"Do it." Dean drags his words.
"Dude, no." Sam finalizes.
"Dude, yes." Dean challenges.
"Here you are.." Jess pauses waiting for Sam to fill in the blank.
"Sam. My name is Sam." Sam says.
"Mind if I sit? I was working all day with my own shift and Lisa had an emergency so I am here with her shift now too." Jessica explains. Sam shifts in the booth.
"Of course, have a seat." Sam gestures.
"Thank you. So who are you?" Jessica asks looking to Dean.
"I am Dean, Sam's brother." Dean introduces himself.
"You boys from around here?" Jess asks.
"Born and raised." Sam admits happily.
"Got jobs?" She asks. Sam and Dean's gaze scan across eachother.
"I'm a mechanic and Sam here is studying to be a lawyer." Dean explains.
"So I'm guessin that car right there is yours?" Jess asks pointing out the window.
"Oh yeah. My sixty seven chevy impala. She's my baby." Dean smiles.
"So is Cas." Sam snarls.
"Who's Cas?" Jess asks.
"His boyfriend." Sam says. Dean sits admiring his car, not paying attention to Sam and Jess.
"Gay or Bisexual?" Jess asks.
"Bisexual." Sam replies.
"Awesome. What about you? You got anyone?" Jess asks Sam.
"No. D- do you?" Sam stutters.
"Nope." Jess replies.
"I'd be willing to give you a chance." Sam admits staring down at Jess.
"I'd give you a chance to." Jess agrees.
"Jessica! Get to work!" Someone calls from the back.
"Getting there!" Jess sighs.
"I'll be back to check on you guys in a minute." Jess smiles and jogs to the kitchen.
"Sammy's got a girlfriend!" Dean mocks.
"I met her like six seconds ago!" Sam yips.
"Well then you are going to have one." Dean says.
"Maybe." Sam says winking at Jess as she saunters by with a tray full of food.
"This is so weird." Dean says.
"What is?" Sam asks swirling his water around his cup.
"Our lives went from absolute shit one year to absolutely amazing the next year. We don't have a new mission every week and have to travel every single week to a new state. I kinda like it." Dean admits, downing a mouthful of coffee.
"I like it too. Especially hanging around with Balthazar. And when Michael visits. It turns into a party when we are all in the same room. Everyone accepts eachother for who they are." Sam laughs.
"That's called family, Sam. Sometimes I forget that you never really had one." Dean sighs, disappointed in himself for dragging Sam into the assassination game before he was even 9.
"That you never got to experience.. Joy." Dean looks down into the black abyss of his coffee cup.
"I had you. That is more than enough for me." Sam admits. Dean looks up at his brother. They smile at eachother and Jess walks up handing the bill to Dean and a small piece of paper to Sam.
"Have a nice day, boys." Jess departs. Sam stares between the paper and Dean with a dorky grin on his face. Dean smiles one of his shit-eating grins at Sam.
"It's her number." Dean confirms. He slaps some money on the table and they both walk out of the Cafè with Sam giggling like a fourth grader who's crush just kisses him and Dean shaking his head with a smile on his face.
"You're ridiculous." Dean tells Sam. Sam makes weird in-human noises as he gets in the car, waving the paper in Dean's face.
"Freaking moose." Dean mutters with a laugh.

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