SIX Closer in Every Aspect

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Cas directed Dean to his house which was suprisingly close to the warehouse which made Dean iffy.
"Come on." Cas lures. Dean slips out of the car, locking it and following Cas into the house. They trot downstairs, which Cas's parents have deemed Cas to own. There is a large flatscreen TV covering the wall and a pool table. In the corner of the room there is a door leading to a bedroom that Cas takes Dean to first. Cas flops on the bed and Dean leans against the doorframe.
"You gunna come in or not?" Cas asks.
"I've only ever shared a room with my brother." Dean's voice shakes slightly.
"What about your parents?" Cas asks.
"They both died when I was young. My uncle Bobby raised me and I raised my little brother Sam." Dean says. Cas stands up and walks over to Dean. Dean keeps his arms crossed over his chest as Cas stands a foot away.
"I'm sorry." Cas's voice is low and sympathetic.
"Nothing to be sorry for. I don't want sympathy." Dean says looking strongly into Cas's sapphire blue eyes. Cas takes a step closer to Dean so their breath mingles between them. Cas has to stand on the balls of the his feet to touch his lips to Dean's and Dean freezes instantly.
I cant kiss him. Hes a spy. I need my team to shoot him. Wait....
Dean's mind screams. Cas pulls back. Keep your friends close. And your enemies closer.
Dean's mind sticks to through as he unknots his arms and puts one hand behind Cas's head and touches their mouths together again and the other hand snakes around Cas's waist and pulls his closer. Dean melts into the kiss as every single thought he had or was going to have vanishes. Cas hums softly and pulls away slightly to look at Dean who presses his lips together and keeps his eyes closed.
"I met you today." Dean's husky voice growls low.
"Welcome to the team." Castiel smirks. Dean touches his mouth to Cas's again and starts walking them towards the bed.
"When's the biggest game of the season?" Dean asks, pulling back momentarily.
"Three weeks." Cas replies. Dean pushes Cas down on the bed and lays beside him.
"Hmm. So practice is when?" Dean asks.
"We are a fairly busy team but we are good. We practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays." Cas explains.
"Okay. Cool." Dean's phone buzzes from his pocket.

Dean? When will you be here?

Dean checks the time. 7:37PM
"Awh shit. I gotta go." Dean says.
"Just wait a minute." Cas says. He rolls ontop of Dean and Dean automatically puts his hands on Cas' waist. Cas' shirt slides up slightly so Dean's hands tingle at the sensation of warm skin.
"Where you goin?" Cas asks. Dean leans up and kisses Cas without answering and flips them over so he is straddling Cas. Their mouths slide against eachother and Cas's hands slide up Dean's arm and stop over a scar Dean has. Cas pulls back and moves Dean's t-shirt sleeve to reveal a large pink dent on the side of Dean's arm from a bullet that was sent from a cops gun.
"What's that from?" Cas asks, eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm dangerous, Cas." Dean says sliding away and racing out of the house. He fumbles in his pocket for his keys and races back to the warehouse almost scratching the car when he drives into the warehouse. He doesn't even bother turning off the car before gearing it into park and running into the house and slamming the bedroom door, locking it.
"Dean?!" Sam yelps from behind the door. Dean backs away from the door until he hits the corner of the room and slides down the wall. The doorknob rattles a few times before Gabriel walks in, turns, shuts the door and locks it again.
"Gabriel!" Sam yips.
"Shut up." Gabriel commands. He walks over to Dean and sits next to him.
"You're attached aren't you?" Gabriel asks quietly.
"Gabe. He kissed me." Dean's voice is a hushed tone.
"No one has kissed you." Gabriel says in awe.
"I know." Dean's voice shakes.
"You are attached. Dean, stop. You met the dude today and we need to kill him in a week at the big game." Gabriel says.
"A week? He said three." Dean stares in question at Gabriel. Dean thought of Gabriel as a little brother. Like a little brat that would always bother you and was nosey as hell. Sometimes it helped greatly though. Like now.
"No." Gabriel shakes his head. "A week." He corrects.
"Okay." Dean nods. He stands up and unlocks the door.
Everyone is staring at him with wide eyes wanting an explaination.
"Okay. Today he was texting someone. He was watching a kid by the name of Thomas Littwad. I don't know why yet but if I am right, like I usually am. The science nerd that Thomas is, is probably planning something that has to do with explosives." Dean says. Everyone snaps into professional mode and Gabe just smirks.
"Okay. Off to bed." Dean commands. Everyone follows orders and flees to their seperate rooms. Sam and Dean trail into their room.
"Dean, are you okay?" Sam asks.
"I'm fine little bro. Get some sleep." Dean plops down on the bed and Sam shuts off the light and lays in his bed.

Dean checks his phone and sees that it is 9:45 so he slides out of bed quietly amd pads to the door. He opens it gently and slips out. He goes to Lucifer's computer station and begins research.
"Guns first." Dean tells himself.

After 3 hours of research Dean sticks to an anti-personnel Barrette .50 Caliber sniper rifle and an M107 Sniper Rifle. He sends the information to Chuck and starts more research on the property. He slips out a blue piece of paper and a white marker. He begins sketching out the football arena and surrounding areas. After another 5 hours of drawing, he moves onto watching videos of games to see where there will be security and cops positioned. Noting it all on his blueprint.
"One step closer to another mission finished." Dean growls.

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