TWELVE Legally Twenty Two

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By the fifth Fast and Furious movie, everyone had fallen asleep expect Dean and Cas. Balthazar was on his stomach across Lucifer and Gabriel's legs and Lucifer was leaning against Gabe and Sam was half on the floor, half on the chair with his flowing locks waving around him like some sort of godess painting. Dean chuckled at the thought.
Sometime throughout the 3rd Fast and Furious movie, Dean had stretched out on the couch with Cas cuddled up against his chest.
"Want to keep watching the movies or go upstairs?" Dean asks.
"Upstairs." Cas replies immediately. Dean picks up Cas and carries him upstairs. Cas giggles in a tired fit as Dean swings him around the corners of walls. Dean drops Cas ontop the bed.
"Alright. I'm havin a shower. You sleep." Dean orders.
"Why can't I have a shower too?!" Cas whines.
"You sound drunk. You are entirely too sleep deprived to even stand anymore." Dean informs. Cas rolls over and groans as Dean walks to the bathroom and starts the shower. He strips his clothes off and stands under the hot water for a long time, staring at the wall. Cas stummbling into the bathroom breaks his momentary space.
"I crawled here!" Cas sounds too pleased with himself.
"Good for you. Go back to bed." Dean commands. Cas closes and locks the door.
"That's not bed." Dean points out. Cas strips down and stumbles into the shower.
"What point of bed do you not understand?" Dean asks. Cas steps up and kisses Dean under the hot water.
"Still. S-god dammit- still not bed." Dean says between kisses.
"I don't wanna go to bed!" Cas whines. Cas's hand begins lightly stroking Dean's length.
"Cas!" Dean hisses.
"Uptight much." Cas comments.
"I said you can't stand. I told you to go to bed." Dean says.
"I am standing!" Cas says.
"Babe. You have all of your weight on me." Dean growls in a low tone trying to ignore the fact that Cas's grip in tightening.
"You could hold me." Cas says looking up at Dean.
"I could. Or you could go to bed." Dean says. Cas's hand begins to move faster back and forth on Dean's length as he sighs. Dean stops a moan from escaping his throat but Cas makes just the right movements to where it escapes.
"Are you sure you want me to go to bed?" Cas asks, biting Dean's neck gently.
"I-ah. Cas. I don't know how fast you want to go." Dean admits. Cas turns and leans against Dean's chest.
"Yo-you need to. To uh go to. Ah fuck it." Dean gives in. He shoves Cas against the wall. Dean drops to his knees and begins the take Cas all at once. Stopping to breath every once and awhile, Cas attempting to stiffle the strong moans that want to escape his mouth. Dean stands again and puts his mouth to Cas' neck. He sucks and kisses the same spot repeated times before turning Cas around and bending him over. He rubs Cas' tight hole before sliding himself into Cas slowly. Cas hisses in breaths and releases them with quiet moans. Dean lets the wall that he held any feeling for Castiel crumble to bits which led to holding nothing back. Not even his moans.

Absolutely nothing.

The Next Morning

Dean and Cas lay in the bed sound asleep, Dean with his jeans on and no shirt and Cas with a t-shirt and plaid pj pants. Dean's arm is wrapped around Cas' waist and a blanket laid over them lamely. Dean's nose burried in Cas' hair and his red cheeks show with a tiny smirk on his face. Cas has a big dorky grin on his face and his hair is wavy and floppy while Dean's hair is spiked and wicked looking.
"They look like puppies." Sam comments.
"Yeah, want to leave em sleeping?" Gabriel asks.
"I really want to pour the cold water on them. But if the seventh Fast and Furious movie was sitting on the tv screen when we woke up this morning, that means they stayed up a long time." Lucifer says.
"Fine. Leave em. We can ambush em later." Balthazar whines. They close the door quietly and leave the room. Dean opens his eyes and looks at the door.
"I am not a puppy!" Dean hisses.
"Neither am I. We are dogs." Cas points out. Dean laughs.
"You were an animal last night." Dean adds.
"Not my fault you're amazing at sex." Cas smirks. Dean is about to respond before he hears a small shuffle from behind the door. He gets up quietly. Walks to the door and swings it open swiftly. Sam, Gabriel, Lucifer and Balthazar topple to the ground with horror filling their face.
"You two had sex last night?!" Sam utters.
"Yeah, wanna watch us do it again?" Dean asks. Everyone scurries, toppling over eachother down the stairs.
"I'll take that as a no!" Dean calls after them. Cas throws his head back in later from the bed as Dean lets out a short laugh. He closes the door again and walks to the bed. He crawls over Cas and starts kissing him, Cas's laughs turns to a deep growl in his throat as Dean's teeth skim across Cas's bottom lip. A shiver creeps up Cas's spine and makes him thrust his stomach to connect with Dean's.
"How did you sleep?" Dean asks.
"Amazing. How about you?" Cas asks. Dean hums quietly in a steady tone as he sucks on Cas's neck until a copper taste waves across the tip of his tongue. Dean pulls back, running his thumb over the spot he just marked.
"What are we going to do today?" Cas asks. Dean stays quiet and kisses Cas.
"I asked a question." Cas informs.
"Can't we just stay here?" Dean asks. Dean's mind is flooded with the thought of laying in bed all day with Cas. Kissing him. Holding him. Never letting him go. Dean's mind suddenly snaps.
This is still a cas!!! He reminds himself. He sits up with his messy hair and looks at Cas.
Fuck the case. Dean mentally scratches out anything that had to do with the case and leans back down to kiss Cas.
"DEAN!" Sam calls. Dean groans and sits up.
"WHAT?!" He shouts back.
"WE HAVE STUFF TO DO TODAY!!" Sam reminds. Right. Deean promised Sam that they would go out to the shooting range for a brother's day.
"I have a brothers day with Sam. I'd say boys days out but it's just for Sam and I." Dean tells Cas.
"Alright." Cas sighs. Dean kisses Cas once more, slowly. Then he gets up, throwing a red plaid shirt onto his shoulders and Jeans on. Cas stands up and buttons up Dean's shirt.
"I'll see you later?" Cas asks.
"Tomorrow. You will see me tomorrow." Dean confirms.
"Okay. Have fun." Cas says. Dean smiles before Sam tackles him onto the front lawn. It takes Dean a few seconds before he has Sam pinned down on the grass. Dean hauls Sam to his feet and tosses him at the car, laughing.
"Onward!" Sam shouts as he rolls down the window, sticking his arm out.
"Dude what are you are you? like...five?" Dean questions as he pulls away from the curv.
"Twenty two legally. Three and a half at heart." Sam corrects.
"Alright then. To the shootinf range with my three and a half year old brother!" Dean cheers.
"YES!" Sam cheers with the wind blowing against his bare arm. Dean turns on the radio to ACDC's Highway to Hell blasting.
"Now THAT is how you start a day!" Dean sounds proud as he drives his baby towards the highway.

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