THREE Familiar Faces

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Dean pulls the Impala to a stop in an empty parking space at the university.
"Does anyone even go to this school?" Dean asks no one inparticular. Until Sam answers through the ear piece that Dean recieved.
"You are there early because you need to register." Sam's voice comes through increibly clear. Dean jumos and sighs. He whips his backpack over his shoulder coldly as he closes and locks the Impala.
"Why did I have to take my baby? Someone is going to scratch her." Dean whines.
"She'll be fine, Dean. Put the glasses on." Sam instructs. Dean can hear the evil smile in his tone. He takes the stark black glasses and slips them on, blinking a few times.
"Now we can see what you see and hear what you hear." Sam explains gleefully.
"Yeah, might not want to watch the whole time." Dean says staring at a group of cheerleaders as he walks in the front of the school. He stops in the large fromt foyer.
"Oh god." Dean's voice oozes with disgust.
"You'll be fine. Find the office and go get registered." Lucifer pops in.
"I'm not going to enjoy this Sammy." Dean whines.
"I know." Sam snickers. Dean stares at several signs and turns several corners with only the sound of his brown boots echoing in the hallway.
"Found it." Dean says quietly as he walks into the office.
"Hello, how may I help you?" A women smiles. Dean looks at the nametag bolted to the desk.
"Hi, Mrs. Harvelle." Dean smiles at the blond haired lady.
"Hi." She says with a southern type accent.
"I am here to register." Dean says hesitantly.
"Ah yes, I have all your papers ready for you. The couch will want to see you in the football field right away." She smiles.
"Okay, thank you." Dean swallows taking the papers. He exits the office and examines the papers.
"Locker 4039." Dean says. He searches for several minutes on the first floor before finding the 4000's and locating his locker.
"10-25-37." Dean says as he turns the dial and yanks open the lock. He looks at the empty locker.
"Football field." Dean says tossing his backpack in the locker, slamming the door and venturing outside again.
"Can't miss it." Dean says sarcastically as he walks along the edge of the building. He sees a small group of 3 huddled with a coach.
"Winchester!" The coach calls.
"Oh shit Sam! That's dad!" Dean hisses going into instant panick mode.
"Calm down. Walk up." Sam instructs sounding panicked himself. Dean ventures to the quickly silenced group. The blue eyed one with a lopsided grin throws the ball at Dean and he catches it perfectly. The one looks from the ball to Dean and gets an angry look on his face. Dean catches the memo that this is a subtle tryout. The one with the angry look would be a type of agressive opponent. Dean weaves past the large player and dashes half way across the football field easily. The hulk is right behind him so he tosses the ball. One with black hair and blue eyes catches it.
"Michael!" Dean yips. The hulk stops and smiles as Dean. He holds out a hand and Dean takes it with the consequence of being yanked against his chest with a hard hand being thumped on his back. Dean repeats the action to the other player.
"You know Michael?" The brown hair, blue-eyed one asks.
"Yeah, And I know Dean here, buddies since third grade." Michael pops in.
"Yeah, best buddies. He's got good aim." Dean comments. He takes a glance at Michael's arm. The pink scrunched up skin on the inside left of his arm. Dean remembers that assassination mission.

"Michael. Not that way!" Dean shouts from the end of the alley.
"We'll get caught going that way!" Michael argues.
"Lucifer created distractions! This is the safest way!" Dean calls. A bullet cuts through the icy autumn air and slices through Michael's jacket, taking a chunk of his skin. His arm whips across his chest.
"MICHAEL RUN!" Dean screams as Crowley pulls Dean around the corner.
"MICHAEL!" Dean calls as Crowley drags him quickly.
"DEA-" Michael is cut off.
"MIKEY! MICHAEL!" Dean calls.
"Dean! Go!" Crowley demands and shoves 15 year old Dean into a sprint as he swallows his tears.
"I knew this was a dangerous job, but not this dangerous." Dean admits.
"People die, kid. Get used to it." Crowley informs.

"Haven't seen you in a while. Began to think bad things had happened to ya." Dean says.
"Yeah, things got a little rough, took me awhile but I pulled through." Michael says clueing Dean into what had happened. Michael got captured but Chuck had always forced the under 18 year-olds in the group to have a belt made with a knife buckle. So somehow using that he escaped.
"And failed to contact me." Dean says. He hears cheering and whispering through his com.
"Tried. Number, didn't work and you moved without tellin me." Michael says harshly.
"Right, sorry bout that." Dean thinks about offering for Michael to come over but quickly remembers thi case is about spies.
"No problem." Michael reassures.
"I'm Michael, as you know, this is Castiel," Michael gestures to blue eyes and brown hair, "and Balthazar," Michael gestures to brown hair brown eyes who was obsessed with the ball.
"Rapheal and Uriel couldn't make it today." Michael adds.
"Sup." Balthazar greets.
"And this is coach-"
"Hi, Dad." Dean greets.
"Son." John nods.
"Whoa. Wait, what?!" Castiel stares wide-eyed.
"He's the one your always talking about?!" Balthazar asks.
"Figured ya woulda talked about Sam more than me. Ya never really likes me." Dean confronts.
"Sam had intelligence. You had obedience." John informs.
"So I'm on the team unless you say otherwise." Dean says.
"Yeah, he's in. I'm captain." Michael informs.
"Okay. That was easy." Dean says.
"You can run fast and catch easy. That's all we need out of you." Castiel says.
"I see how it is." Dean nods. A shrill tang emits from the school.
"Class time." Castiel smiles. Dean notes how charming the smile is as he heads to his first class.


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