TWENTY ONE What's Happening?

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"Dean?" Sam calls. He steps into the warehouse and begins to walk across to Dean and Cas' house when he notices Dean, looking pale and off colour, laying limply beside the Impala. A puddle of blood around his head.
"Dean!" Sam yells loud enough that it created an echo. He runs and skids to his knees next to Dean. He rolls Dean into his lap. There is blood smeared on the Impala door, Sam thinks that Dean must have hit his head on the mirror. Sam touches Dean's back and it feels like he is picking up ice. There is no heat in Dean. He is breathing shallowly and his heart is barely beating.
"CAS!" Sam screams. Cas comes stummbling out of the house and stops dead in his tracks at the scene.
"Call an Ambulance!" Sam commands. Cas nods and 1 minute later he comes running out to Sam.
"Is he breathing?" The operator asks.
"Uhm. Shallowly. Barely." Sam stutters.
"Heart beating?"
"How cold is he?" The operator asks.
"I- I dont know. He feels like ice. Colder than ice." Sam spits out. Sam's heart beats a million miles an hour as everyone including Gabriel crowds around. Sam starts rocking back and forth.
"Is he off colour? Pale slightly?" The man on the line asks.
"Uh, yes. He is white with bits of blue." Sam replies.
"Shit." The operator curses and there is sirens that go off in the distance.
"What?" Sam panicks even more.
"Make sure there is a clear path for the ambulance to enter and exit incredibly quickly." The operator instructs.
"Okay. Gabe, Luci. Open the overhead door." Sam commands. They nod and Gabriel struggles to run to the door and they open it quickly.
"I want you, what your name?" The operator asks.
"My name is Sam. I'm his brother." Sam says.
"Who is he?" The operator asks.
"Dean." Sam replies, his voice shaking.
"The ambulance should be arriving now." The operator says. The high pitch whale of the sirens screams and two men come out with a stretcher and run over to Dean and Sam.
"Thank you." Sam thanks and everything happens so fast. Bobby, Crowley, Cas, Lucifer, Gabriel amd Balthazar all stare after the ambulance before Gabriel wipes the blood off Dean's car and tells Cas to drive. Bobby and Crowley take Bobby's 1971 Chevy Chevelle and everyone else piles into the Impala and they start towards the hospital. Cas parks and runs to the emergency.
"Someone by the name Dean came in here." Cas breaths heavily asking a nurse.
"He can't be seen right now. His condition is critical." The nurse says calmly. Cas sees Sam across the room looking like he is about to rip his hair out.
"Sam!" Cas calls. Sam stands up from the chair as Cas runs into his arms. Sam hugs Cas.
"It's okay Cas. They are going to do everything they can." Sam comforts, more tellig himself than Cas. Gabriel walks in next. The nurses freeze at his bloody shirt.
"I'm fine! The guy- Dean you just brought in stitched me up. Sam!" Gabe calls. He struggled as he runs over as the pain seers. A nurse with brown hair comes over.
"You should let me take a look at that injury, just to be safe." She smiles. Gabriel stands shyly by Cas and Sam.
"Lisa?" Sam's voice drops to a whisper.
"Sam?" Lisa smiles.
"Gabe it's okay. Let her take a look." Sam instructs. Cas cries into Sam's shirt and Sam comforts him.
"What are you all doing here?" Lisa asks as she kneels and takes a look at Dean expert stitching job.
"Dean is-." Sam pauses not knowing how to explain it.
"That was Dean?" Lisa asks as she stands again.
"Yes." Gabriel says.
"Shit!" Lisa says and she runs in the direction that the doctors took Dean. Sam drops his head and hugs Cas tightly.


No one has said anything about Dean's condition. Nurses and Doctors keep running past yelling "Dean Winchester" and medical stuff nect. Cas fell asleep after crying for a solid hour. Bobby and Crowley came for a little bit before going back to the warehouse. They just call for updates. Lucifer and Gabe are either in shock or mourning as they hug their knees and stare at the ground. Sam hasn't seen them blink for atleast half an hour. Sam sits bouncing his knee as anxiety fills every ounce of his being. Possibilities flood into his mind of every single bad thing that could happen.
"Sam?" Lisa's voice shatters Sam's thoughts.
"Yeah?" Sam replies.
"Come with me." She says, her expression unreadable. Sam stands and Gabriel and Lucifer flinch but make no move to acknowledge anyone. Cas stays asleep with tear stained cheeks. Sam follows Lisa down the hall numbly, checking each room as he passes. Lisa stops and stands at the entrance of a room. Sam walks in and sees Dean laying on a bed. He is covered from feet to chin in a shiny silver blanket. There are several wires coming from under the blanket. There is a fogged up mask covering his mouth and nose with tubes winding down the side of the bed to an olive coloured tank.
"He has IV's, heart monitors, breathing tubes and that silver thing covering him is a heating blanket. We put it in ovens to warm it up." Lisa explains. Sam just blinks without making a move towards his brother.
"Sam?" Lisa asks. Sam's eyes scan Dean over and over before he tears them away to look at Lisa.
"Dean is in a coma." Lisa's voice is full of sympathy. Sam opens his mouth but nothing comes out.
"We will be moving him to the ICU momentarily." Lisa informs. Sam nods and Lisa walks him out of the room, leading him back to the seating area. Sam sits on the chair, numb. He doesn't move, blink or say anything. Like Gabe and Luci. A few minutes later Dean gets rolled by in the hospital bed and everyone is lead to the ICU room. Sam carries Cas careful not to wake him. They get to the room and Sam lays Cas on the couch while Gabriel and Lucifer got permission to lay on the fairly large hospital bed with Dean. They both giggle as they see who can get most comfortable the fastest. Sam pulls a chair up alongside the bed and sits down.
"My brother is in a coma." He whispers. He sighs and brushes Dean's hair away from his forehead, pressing it down to the white bandage wrapped around his head.

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