SIXTEEN Good and Bad Memories

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Sam paces across the empty waiting room of the hospital.
"Sam Winchester?" A red-head asks.
"Yeah?" Sam stops pacing.
"Come with me. You're brother is asking for you." The girl says.
"Okay." Sam agrees. Sam hasn't told anyone that Dean is in the hospital. He has only been there for an hour and a half.
"In here." The girl opens a door and Sam sees Dean smiling at a doctor and holding his wrist which it wrapped in white.
"Sam." Dean breaths. Sam stummbles towards the hospital bed and Dean gets off the bed and hugs Sam. Other than his wrapped wrist and mud covering him. Dean is fine. Physically. Mentally... Sam can't define.
"Okay, Dean. So you have to come here once every day for a check-up and... Counseling." The red-head intructs.
"Charlie quit following me." Dean whines. He nods and just walks out of the room.
"Why counseling?" Sam asks.
"When he woke up. He kept screaming 'it's not fair. It's not fair.'" Charlie explains.
"What isn't fair?" Sam asks.
"That's what we need to find out. The faster he tells us, the more he doesn't need to come here." Charlie explains.
"Okay." Sam nods. He catches up with Dean.
"You were dying." Sam informs.
"And now I'm fine." Dean waves his thickly patched wrist at Sam.
"That's not fine Dean! I can see the blood seeping through the bandages already!" Sam complains.
"Well, they have been on for an hour and a half." Dean says.
"Where are you going?" Sam asks as Dean walks to the side of the road.
"My car!" Dean says jingling his keys. Sam smirks and rolls his eyes.
"Go back to the house and don't tell em anything Samuel! Tell em you couldn't find me!" Dean instructs. Sam doesn't question it. He gets back in the car and leave his brother walking in the rain to the car he is obsessed over. Sam laughs at the thought.

Sam swings open the door to the house.
"Where is he?" Cas asks. Lucifer,
Gabriel and Balthazar stare at Sam.
"I couldn't find him." Sam sighs. Sam sees Cas visibly drain. It's like.. If there was colour in him... All of it just turned grey. Cas drops to the ground shivering and crying. Balthazar comforts Cas as Gabriel and Lucifer look at Sam. Sam nods ever so slightly.
"Gabriel and I have to go home. See you guys soon." Lucifer says. Sam drives everyone back to the warehouse and returns to Cas.
"Cas, I will find him." Sam says hauling Cas off the carpet. Cas hugs Sam and Sam takes a few moments to react.
"Cas. I promise you. If you keep a positive out look. Dean will be fine." Sam promises. Cas nods.
"I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow." Sam says. Cas nods again and Sam drives back to the warehouse to see the Impala parked inside.
"Dean! You son of a bitch!" Sam curses.
"That's my line!" Dean calls.
"Cas thinks your dead!" Sam walks up to Dean resisting the temptation to punch him.
"Dead?" Dean whispers.
"Yes." Sam says. Sam sees the regret on Dean's face.
"Dean. You have three months to convice Chuck that he can cancel this mission." Sam says.
"It's been a year and a half of my trying to do that Sam, what else do you want me to do?" Dean asks tugging his hair.
"Take that gold ring out of your damn pocket and put it on his damn finger, you idjit." Bobby pops in.
"How did you know that?" Dean asks pulling a ring out of his pocket.
"Oh please. You forged the damn thing in the warehouse." Crowley says from the table. Lucifer smirks from behind his computer screens.
"What are you smirkin about?!" Dean accuses. Lucifer holds up a drawing for the designs on the ring.
"You left these on my desk." He smirks.
Dean puts his head in his hands and sighs.
"It was expected, Dean." Sam smiles.
"God dammit." Dean gets in the Impala.
"If he hates me I'm blaming it on you!" Dean calls.
"Dean wait up! I said I'd bring you!" Sam calls. Dean waits for a few seconds for Sam to get into the car and then speeds off.
"You told them that you didn't find me?" Dean asks.
"Yeah, that's what I said. How long have you have that ring in your pocket?" Sam asks.
"A month and six days." Dean replies gripping the steering wheel harder.
"Oh." Sam replies quietly.
"Life's a bitch, Sammy." Dean comments. "Everytime I want to do it I think about what will happen and I chicken out." Dean explains.
"Worried?" Sam asks.
"If I do marry him. And Chuck decides not to cancel the mission. My team. Will be killing. My husband." Dean hesitates several times.
"We won't show up then." Sam says.
"It's a mission Sam. I taught you this already." Dean explains.
"I know, I know. Always obey." Sam says simplifying the whole speech Dean gave.
"You got it the easy way." Dean mumbles.

When Dean was 7 his dad abused him severly for not following one order he had been givin. For 3 years, Dean's dad got pleasure from punching Dean. Giving him a black eye. Dean had a billion excuses of how he got it. Hockey practice, fell down the stairs, ran into a door, baseball practice, fixing up cars with his uncle Bobby and took a uncontrolled wrench to the face, play fight with his brother, ran into a table, kneed himself in the face, yo-yo accident. They ranged from getting kicked by a horse at the zoo to falling out of bed on a Monday morning. Dean chuckled slightly at one of his favorite excuses.
"My little brother threw a yo-yo at me." Was Dean's favorite. The teachers would chuckle as they thought of the sight of a little brother hucking a little peice of plastic on a string at Dean and then laughing and running away with the yo-yo dragging behind him. With his crazy excuses one day Dean ran out of ideas and flat out said "my dad punched me again." And from that day it went from court trials to foster homes to when Chuck found him and built on Dean's already high defense skills. Dean remembers one particular home. Sonny's home for boys. He didn't stay there for long. Only one night before Chuck took him. He remembers a little boy with messy blue hair and piercing blue eyes that would watch him from the staircase.

"Oh my god." Dean says slamming on the brakes.
"What the hell?" Sam curses. Dean runs his hands through his hair.
"I know Cas. When I was in a foster home. I saw him. He watched me." Dean explains talking too fast. He starts driving again. Carefully navigating through the street to Cas's house.
"You were in a foster home?!" Sam yelps.
"Yeah. You were three and Bobby was taking care of you." Dean says shoving that aside.
"When I was there. There was this really shy kid who would wear this tan coat and conserve shoes and he would run around with this glowing stick yelling 'ALLONS-Y' all the time. He was a nerd. That was Cas." Dean explains hastly. Sam laughs.
"Doctor Who?"
"Yes. I yelled it once with him and then he kinda shy'd off and I went to do whateve I was doing." Dean says.
"Think he remembers?" Sam asks.
"If I do. He's gotta." Dean says hopefully. He pulls up infront of Cas's house and pulls the ring out of his pocket shining it in the sun. He looks to Sam and nods confidentally.

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