SEVEN Sixty Seconds

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Sunlight begins to peer through the warehouse windows and get brighter by the minute as Dean scrawls down equiptment they will need for this mission.

Guns. (Customized, covered by Chuck)
Black SUV. (Black Tinted windows)
Bullet proof vests. (Customized)
Burner cells phones.
Burner coms.
Tripods for the guns.
Treadless shoes.

He taps the pen on his lip as he thinks what else they would need.

Black hoodies (custom)
Black cargo pants. (Custom)

"Dean?" Crowley's british accents rings out through the empty space.
"Yea." Dean says quickly.
"Have you been awake all night?" Crowley asks.
"It's been all night? Felt like half an hour." Dean says.
"Your hair says otherwise." Crowley smirks. Dean looks at his reflection. His hair is flicked and pointing in all different directions like a mad scientist. Everyone else peers around the corner staring at Dean.
"Why are you using my computers?" Lucifer asks.
"Research." Dean stands handing the list to Lucifer.
"What's this?" Lucifer groans.
"A list that we need for this mission and we need all of it in two days." Dean says.
"Two days?!" Lucifer hisses.
"Sixty seconds for each theft item. Like the car and some shoes. So two minutes. The guns will be delivered by Chuck tomorrow morning and the clothing will be sewn to our sizes exactly. Here is a map that I will have to explain later." Dean rushes. He starts the Impala with his group behind him with ruffled hair, baffled expression, holding random pieces of paper that Dean stayed up all night to do and their clothes bunched up. He drives off starting for Cas's house.

Dean slows down when his eye catches someone wearing a white dress shirt with a blue sweater-vest and black pants. He rolls down the window and drives at a steady pace.
"You're dressed for University." Dean comments keeping his eyes on the road ahead.
"You aren't. You look like you where hanging upside down, spinning in circles all night." Cas replies.
"I wasn't hanging upside down and it was only semi-circles. I stayed up to catch up on my studies. So the big game is in a week?" Dean asks.
"No, Dean I told you yesterday. Three weeks. It was supposed to be in a week but the opposing team has another game outside the city. If you are thinking I was lying. I'm not. Ask coach." Cas informs.
"Get in." Dean says after a long pause. Dean stops the car and Cas gets in the car, tossing his backpack in the back seat with Dean's plain black backpack. Cas sits and stares at the black interior of the vehicle as Dean rests his arm on the door and props his head up with his elbow, keeping one hand on the steering wheel.
"You sure you're going to make it through today?" Cas asks.
"Yah." Dean replies, ruffling his hair more. Dean's phone rings and he answer it without checking the I.D.
"What." He says first.
"A package labelled B.50CA-PSR just arrived for you." Lucifer says, Dean can hear him shaking the package.
"Hey! That's my new gun! Don't shake it you fuckwad. It's a Barrette fifty Caliber Anti-Personnel Sniper Rifle. Put it in my room and don't touch it." Dean demands.
"Someones hitting puberty." Lucifer says before hanging up. Dean scoffs and tosses his phone on the seat. A glance to Cas shows an expression of fear and curiousity.
"I collect guns and my little brother was touching a new one I got today." Dean explains calmly.
"They aren't aloud to?" Cas asks.
"They are, but only once I field strip them and put them together. I don't want them to get hurt." Dean says.
"Yeah, My three younger brothers. We all stay with our two family friends." Dean explains trying not to go into too much detail.
"What are there names?" Cas asks with genuine curiosity.
There's the detail. Dean thinks.
"Luci, Gabe and Samuel." Dean says covering the names slightly.
"What about the family friends?" Cas asks.
"Fergus and Robert." Dean replies. He uses the real names. Just, not the ones they usually use. Except for Sam. He can't really disguise the name. Cas looks at his watch and taps the face of it.
"Stupid watch." He curses. He unlatches it and stuff it in his pocket.
"Hate the thing. My uncle gave it to me because his dad wore it in World War Two but I don't like it." Cas explains.
"Let me see it." Dean says. Cas hands over the watch. It has a brown leather strap and a nice navy blue background with gold accents.
"I can make this better." Dean says. He pockets it as he pulls into the University parking lot.
"Cas wait." Dean says as they park.
"We are here an hour early." Dean adds.
"Yeah, so?" Cas asks.
"I'm sorry about yesterday." Dean rubs the back of his head shyly.
"It's fine." Cas looks out the front windsheild and smirks.
"You're a great kisser though." Cas adds. Dean blushes. Without thinking he leans over and kisses Cas gently. Cas grabs a handful of the material of Dean's shirt and pulls him closer. Dean pulls away red and huffing slightly. Cas chuckles and slides out of the car, leaning against the hood. Dean snatches their backpacks and walks up to Cas. He sets his hands on Cas's waist and pulls him close. Kissing him again.
"You know if people see us the will think we are dating." Cas mentions, turning his head.
"Let them think that." Dean mummbles, kissing Cas's neck gently.
His phone buzzes from his pocket and Cas reaches into Dean's front pocket taking his phone out with a giggle.
"Aye." Dean says.
"It's from your brother." Cas says.
"Sammy, get a life." Dean mutters to himself not meaning it. He calls Sam.
"What." Dean says as soon as Sam picks up.
"Check the glovebox. I left a new com in there. No glasses though." Sam says.
"Alright. Thanks. Bye." Dean says and slides his phone back in his pocket.
"What was that for?" Cas questions.
"My brother left a bluetooth in the glovebox for me. He worries about my driving skills." Dean scoffs.
"You drive fine." Cas comments.
"That took effort to drive the speed limit and turn without my back end drifting." Dean says. He retrievs the com, activating it and putting it in his ear.
"There we go." Dean says.
"Alright, set." Lucifer's voice comes through pleasently and clear.
"Hey Cas. Come'ere." Dean says. Cas walks slightly faster to catch up to Dean. Dean catches his hand and laces their fingers together.

Atleast this is a short mission. Dean thinks.

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