EIGHTEEN Stress Less, Dean

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"Dean, get up." Sam gently shakes his brother awake.
"What? What?!" Dean sits up, rubbing his face with his hands. Cas isn't in bed and there isn't much noise in the house. It's quiet.
"Where is everyone?" Dean asks.
"Out. Mostly for wedding things." Sam explains.
"What kind of wedding things?" Dean asks.
"Suits. Cheap wedding decorations. Cas decided on a navy blue and white theme for your wedding." Sam explains.
"Sounds nice. Can I go back to sleep?" Dean asks.
"No. Come on, get up. We have to go buy you a suit and find a place for the wedding." Sam lures Dean out of bed and Dean gets dressed while Sam explains possible locations for a wedding to be held.
"Let's go!" Sam ushers Dean out of the house. Dean manages to the car and forces Sam to drive.
"I want coffee first." Dean argues.
"Fine." Sam gives in. Dean gets his coffee and Sam drives them to a high end clothing store.
"Hi boys. Can I help you with anything?" A small lady in a sharp suit walks up to Sam and Dean.
"Yes, my brother here is looking for a suit for his wedding." Sam greets.
"Oh? Congratulations. Any specific colours you are looking for?" The lady questions.
"Uhm. Yeah, navy blue and white." Dean says.
"Alright. Come with me." The lady instructs. She leads them through low white shelves of neatly, professionally folded suit jackets, dress shirts and pants. Shoes sit on shelves from floor to ceiling in colour, size and basic shape.
"Here you guys are. Fitting rooms are just around the corner and you can pick out what you need." The lady smiles. Dean thanks her and picks up a white dress shirt.
"White is a classy colour. Right?" Dean asks Sam.
"Yeah." Sam nods assuringly.
"Should I go with a white suit or navy blue? Or maybe a blue suit and a white tie and shoes? Maybe I should just go all navy blue." Dean suggests.
"Pick one, Dean." Sam laughs.
"I'll do a mix and match thing." Dean settles. He picks out a white dress shirt, white shoes and a white tie with navy blue pants and suit jacket. He goes to the fitting rooms and puts everything on. He exits to show Sam.
"The jacket needs fitted shoulders. Closer to you. Different shirt, this one looks too big and different shoes." Sam critiques. Dean sighs and gather another pairing of clothing before putting it on. Sam denies it. Another. Denied. Another. Denied. Dean finds nicely fitted clothing and shows Sam.
"Dean. Tighter dress shirt and different shoes." Sam says. Dean sighs and collapses to the floor.
"You okay?" Sam asks.
"Why can't I just get married in my normal clothes? I'd avoid all this hastle and stress." Dean points out.
"It's hard. I know. But atleast you and Cas have the same type of mind. Jess wants a fancy, gypsy type wedding with hundreds of guests. Cas wants a small place to fit the small little family we have plus maybe a few. Jess wants to remember the day. Cas just wants you." Sam sits next to Dean calming him as much as he can.
"I just... I never thought that just getting a suit would be so hard. I want Cas to look at me and think that I'm perfect for him. He chose me. I don't want to let him down." Dean sighs.
"He already thinks you are perfect, Dean. Seeing you in a suit with show him that you can be mature. You don't need to stress too much. You two are perfect for eachother. You don't need to worry about how you look." Sam says.
"Everyone always cares how they look on their wedding day though.." Dean says in a low tone.
"You've never cared about how you look. Don't start now. Be you." Sam encourages.
"I can't be me in a tight monkey suit,
Sammy." Dean smiles. Sam nudges his shoulder and hands him another dress shirt and another pair of white classy looking dress shoes. Dean puts them on and shows Sam.
"Very. Very classy." Sam says smiling. Dean buys the suit without hesitation and goes back to the Impala. He calls Cas.
"Hey, babe. When is the date set for?" Dean asks.
"Next month. April twenty-seventh." Cas says.
"Okay. Thank you. I love you." Dean says.
"I love you too." Cas replies before hanging up.
"What about a park?" Dean asks Sam.
"A park is nice." Sam replies.
"We could also get married in like.... A random building." Dean says.
"I think Cas would prefer a park." Sam says.
"Okay. To City Hall!" Dean shouts.
"For what?" Sam asks.
"Well okay. First we need to get a license to get married in a public park. Then we need a liscence to get married. So text Cas and tell him to meet us at City Hall." Dean commands as he tries to remember the way to city hall. Sam texts Cas to meet them there and Cas agrees.

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