EIGHT Extended Journey

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"Chuck we have everything set. We can do this mission at the big game this Friday." Dean informs.
"No. The Mission is extended for longer. Dean. This mission has gone from a month mission extended to another year. Until the last big game of season. Next year." Chuck says cringing as Dean slams his fists down on the table.
"We have the guns. The cars. The clothing and the positions. Chuck we can do it!" Dean protests.
"But you won't!" Chuck demands. Dean drops his head.
"Why. Atleast tell me why." Dean says in a low voice.
"Because my boss says so." Chuck informs.
"Who's your boss?" Dean asks.
"Kid, you've ased that too many times. What was my answer?"
"You can't tell me." Dean sighs.
"Correct." Chuck nods.
"One more year. One more. Then I'm done." Dean says and walks out of the room.
"Done?" Chuck asks himself. He shakes it off and exits the room quietly.


"Mornin, Cassy." Dean greets as he swings open the Impala door for Cas. The thick, cold air biting at all his bare skin.
"Morning, babe." Cas kisses Dean with his warm lips and gets in the car. Dean starts it and heats up so he can move his fingers.
"Stupid winter." Dean curses.
"Hah. Alright. What are we doing today?" Cas asks.
"It's the middle of December on a Saturday." Dean pauses.
"Yeah, so?" Cas asks.
"We're going to the museum." Dean says quickly.
"What?" Cas asks.
"We are going! To the museum!" Dean says slowly word for word.
"Dean Winchester? At a museum? Yes please." Cas says sarcastically.
"You can be a real jerk sometimes, you know that?" Dean asks.
"That's why you love me." Cas says.
"Ugh." Dean scoffs and starts driving. He weaves his way through the busy,
Construction plugged streets of Edmonton, Alberta. Castiel and Dean were permitted a week from the University to go to Edmonton on a fully paid trip to be educated in the Museum and the Science Center. They had been wandering around getting lost for the first 3 days but eventually found their way.
"Here we are!" Dean pulls into a fairly empty parking lot, parking between a red Dodge van and a grey Jeep with a yellow pin-stripe. They go to the Museum and get little tickets as their admission.
"Let's go over here first, Dean." Cas tugs Dean away as he thanks the ladies behind the desk. One of them waves him back. "You go on in, Cas. I am getting a map first." Dean says. Cas gives Dean puppy dog eyes but walks into the exhibit anyway.
"Why'd you wave me back?" Dean asks the lady with a nametag adressed "Charlie" sitting behind the desk. She smiles and flicks her red wavy hair.
"That your boyfriend?" Charlie asks Dean.
"Uhm." Dean pauses thinking. They have been dating for 3 months now but Dean always tells himself it's just for the mission. Dean told Cas that he might have to move away after next Season and Cas didn't talk to Dean for a week and a half. Dean felt so depressed that he was sitting in the football feild twirling one of his knives around his fingers. He pushed up his sleeve and touched. And dragged. The small beads of blood gathered quickly into a small stream that ran gently down his arm and trickled onto the grass. Dean made precisely 9 more dips to his skin with the cold, jagged, dead blade. For the days that Cas didn't talk to him. Cas found him in the feild on the grass with tear stains on his cheeks and his blood smeared arm laying out beside him. Cas never left Dean alone. Dean always went to Cas's house at night. They were always together.
"I think I may be in love with him." Dean says surprised.
"Has he taken care of you?" Charlie asks. Dean nods staring into the exhibit that Cas went into.
"Have you been taking care of him?" Charlie asks.
"I can't." Dean mutters.
"Can't. Or don't want to." Charlie suggests. Dean stops and stares at the entrance of the exhibit.
"Scared to." Dean says quietly thinking about how many bullet holes he would have in his body for standing up for Castiel.
"Why?" Charlie asks.
"I'd be a dead man." Dean says.
"Dean. Stop worrying." Charlie says.
"How do you know my name?" Dean's head whips towards Charlie.
"Your boy over there said it. Remember?" Charlie reminds.
"Right." Dean nods.
"One more question. In what ways has he loved you that you haven't returned?" Charlie asks. There is a long, anxious pause.
"He would die for me." Dean replies staring dazed into the exhibit.
Charlie hands Dean a map and shoves him off after Cas with a sympathetic look on her face.
"Wait a minute! I recognize you! Charlie Bradbury from Kansas University!" Dean yelps.
"Cya in Art!" Charlie yelps back waving. Dean laughs and enters the exhibit. He eyes scan around the showcases and he finds Cas looking at a small stuffed Fox. Dean walks over and wraps his arms around Cas's waist.
"He's cute." Cas says.
"So are you." Dean says looking at how interested Cas is.
"I wonder why they would harm such a magnificent animal for human entertainment. I don't understand it, Dean." Cas says.
"Well. It's not just for human entertainment, Cas. It is for knowledge as well. We learn the animal's past so that we don't have to do this anymore. So that we can save them." Dean explains.
"How many have been saved?"
Castiel asks.
"I'm not sure." Dean says, resting his chin on Cas's shoulder.
"Let's go. It's freaking me out." Cas says.
"What is?" Dean asks.
"The way it still has life in it's eyes." Cas mutters, disgust edging his voice.
"Yeah. It is kinda freaky." Dean says as he lifts Cas slightly and spins him in a few circles before setting him down again. Cas laughs and turns around kissing Dean and Dean's hand knots itself into Cas's already messy hair. Cas pulls back gently and hums in pleasure.
"What next?" Dean asks staring contently down at Cas who shyly balls up small fists of Dean's shirt. Dean smiles.
"I'm not sure. I've never been here before." Cas sighs.
"Come on." Dean says taking Cas's hand and tugging him to the escalator. They travel upstairs.
"What exhibit are we going into?" Cas asks.
"We'll do this one first." Dean says walking across the long, barely decorated space.
"Culture?" Cas asks.
"Yes." Dean nods.
"You are interesting in culture?" Cas  asks accusingly with a repulsive tone.
"Hey! I know stuff!" Dean claims. "Besides we are just walking through." Dean adds.
"Why?" Cas asks.
"I want to show you a few things." Dean admits.
"This will be an interesting day with you." Cas smirks.

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