ELEVEN Movie Marathon

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"Dean! Dean wake up!" Sam shrieks as he shakes Dean. Dean sits up staring at the beige wall of Cas's room.
"Why aren't you in Balthazar's room with Gabe and Luci?" Dean asks rubbing his eyes.
"Because it's snowing." Cas says. Dean opens his eyes to see Cas leaning against the doorway with a smug grin.
"It's what?" Dean asks getting up off the bed. Sam turns from Cas to Dean as Dean stands up.
"Wha. Put on a shirt before you poke someones eye out." Sam remarks. Dean punches him and walks over to the door, kissing Cas before trotting down the stairs.
"Ew." Dean cringes when he looks out the window. He opens the front door a crack and slams it, going back upstairs. He walks past Cas and Sam and curls up under a blanket in the corner of Cas's room. Cas and Sam laugh.
"Whatcha laughin at?" Gabe pops in.
"Dean." Sam says pointing to the corner.
"Dean's under that?" Gabe asks. Dean hears the smile creep across his face.
"Gabiel don't you da-" Dean is cut off by Gabe jumping on the blanket and flattening Dean into a carpet. Dean groans and hears Cas and Sam hit the floor with laughter.
"Son on a bitch." Dean mutters. Gabriel rolls around ontop of Dean for several minutes before laying still. He gets up and starts tossing all the blanket and pillows that he can find ontop of Dean with help from well... Everyone in the house, Cas included. Once they finish, the pile ontop of Dean is about a metter and a half tall covering half of Cas's room.
"Warm, Dean?" Sam asks. The pile doesn't move.
"How heavy is the pile?" Cas asks Gabriel.
"Not sure." Gabriel replies staring at the pile suspiciously.
"Dean?" Cas calls.
"Yeah?" Dean says from behind eveyone. They all jump and whip around.
"How'd you get out?!" Sam shrieks in horror.
"Should have left one person on guard." Dean informs.
"Jerk." Sam scoffs.
"Bitch." Dean retorts.
"Movie day! I aint going anywhere near outside." Balthazar says. Everyone follows falling into conversation about which movie they will watch first.

Later That Day

"That's. That was. That was just weird!" Gabe says sounding insulted.
"Special effects were cool." Lucifer comments.
"Jupiter Ascending." Cas nods staring at the screen. Dean just sits silently with his eyebrow raised and stares at the screen.
"No more chick flicks." Dean mutters shaking his head in horror.
"Dean, that wasn't a chick flick." Sam smirks.
"Shut up." Dean accuses.
"Who wants more hot chocolate?" Dean asks. Everyone cheers and Dean takes their cups to the kitchen to make more. Everyone argues over which movie next and Dean gives his opinion from the kitchen.
"Fast and Furious!" Dean calls. Everyone oo's from living room as Dean laughs. Dean checks his phone for the time. 3PM. And a text from Chuck.

Dean, Winter is here you have 4 more months with Castiel. I thought I would remind you. Time flies, kid. I'm training a new kid named Ezekiel who may join your team eventually. Maybe when we have a smaller mission. Or to replace someone lost in a missiom. We almost have enough money from these missions to finish building you guys that bunker y'all wanted.

Alright, sounds awesome Chuck. I want to meet this Ezekiel guy, if that's alright. Maybe I can help train him. Some things are best learned in the feild.

Dean slips his phone back into his pocket bringing cups to the living room amd handing them to people. He brings back his and Cas' last. Sam clicks on Fast and Furious as Dean ventures to find a comfortable spot on the couch. He smiles at Cas, mentally planning the next 4 months but scratching each plan, telling himself that whatever happens, happens.

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