TEN I Promise

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3 Weeks Later

Dean sits in Art class impatiently waiting for Castiel.
"Hey Dean." A voice pops in.
"Hey Charlie. Where's Cas?" Dean asks.
"He hasn't been at school for like a week. Didn't you hear?" Charlie asks.
"Hear what? He won't answer my calls or texts and when I go to his house he is never there." Dean explains.
"How long do you wait?" Charlie asks.
"I didn't leave his doorstep." Dean says.
"Go there right now. I'll call him." Charlie sighs. Charlie's tone makes Dean panic. Charlie's blank sketchbook paper waves as Dean runs out of the classroom. His shoes stick to the shiny floor tiles and he stummbles into the wall, launching himself down the stairs. Cas lives 48 blocks from the University so Dean runs there in sheer panic. As he looks at Cas's house he trips and skids on the ground. His cheek burns and so do his arms and knees but he gets up running. He pounds on the white door in the front until Cas's little brother Balthazar opens it.
"Where's Cas?!" Dean huffs.
"Dean I'm worried about him. He came downstairs, grabbed a knife and locked himself in the bathroom." Balthazar explains quickly, holding back tears.
"No. NO!" Dean yells. He runs upstairs so fast that it feels like the stairs launched him. He starts pounding on the white door of the bathroom, leaving it bloody.
"Dammit Cas! open the damn door!" Dean screams as tears trail down his face. He pounds on the door again and again.
"Cas please." Dean whimpers as he stops pounding. He slides down the wall and lays on the floor. There is a long silence as Dean's eyes close. Then a small click. Dean lays on the ground with one knee proped up and his arm laying out beside him. He can feel the streams of blood trickling down his legs and arm and cheek.
"Dean." Cas gasps in a small voice. Dean's eyes refuse to open. So he forces himself in a sitting position and his eyes fly open staring at Cas.
"Have you done anything?" Dean asks. Cas shakes his head.
"But you were thinking about it." Dean sighs. The room begins to spin infront of him.
"My dad died." Cas says quietly.
"My dad is dead. He was your coach. He's dead. My mom is dead." Dean pauses. "Every friend I ever had is dead." There is another long pause.
"I can't lose you Cas. I never loved anyone. My brother. Only my brother. Because everyone I ever loved died. And every time. I always think it's my fault. That they died because they knew me. Charlie told me to come here and I ran." Dean starts. Cas lures Dean to his feet carefully as Dean keeps talking.
"I thought that. That maybe somethin horrible had happened to you. And that. I had lost you. You haven't been at school. You won't answer my calls or my texts. I sat on your doorstep for the past three nights waiting for you to come outside-"
"You ran 48 blocks after staying up for three nights.. Just to make sure I was okay?" Cas cuts Dean off.
"Why wouldn't I?" Dean asks. Cas leans Dean against the bathroom counter and closes and locks the door again and turns on the shower.
"Three nights? On my doorstep?" Cas asks.
"Yeah. The second night this random drunk dude walked up to me holding a pistol to my head threatening things that I couldn't understand. I took his gun." Dean giggles at the last bit.
"You took his gun?!" Cas sqeaks.
"His hand was really weak. I just poked the barrel and he dropped it at started running." Dean explains, laughing.
"How'd you get these scrapes?" Cas asks as he moves Dean's arms around.
"Ouch. Okay. Well. When I was running here. I saw your house. And stopped looking where I was going. The curb decided to move the road out from under me. So I fell. And skidded." Dean explains.
"I see." Cas says. Dean laughs again.
"Did you know. That. Uhm. Crap I forgot what I was going to say." Dean pouts.
"You've been drinking." Cas mumbles.
"Only like. One glass!" Dean claims.
"How big was the glass?" Cas asks.
"About the size of a vodka bottle." Dean chuckles.
"Oh god." Cas smirks at Dean as he laughs. Cas removes Dean's shirt to reveal more deep scrapes on Dean's stomach.
"Pants off. In the shower. I need to clean you up." Cas claims. Dean obeys and stares contently at the water as Cas runs his thumb over Dean's forearm.
"Why dontcha come in too?" Dean asks as his eyes scan over the ceiling.
"Don't need to. I'd rather stay dry." Cas says. Dean leans over and grabs Cas's shirt to pull him into standing.
"I'm not drunk. Cas. I had the amount of one shot glass before art class." Dean growls in a low voice. He lifts Cas and soaks him.
"You suck." Cas mutters as he spits water away from his face and shakes his head to make the water stop dripping.
"That shirt was light grey. Nice shirt." Dean mocks.
"Shut up. I won't be able to get it off now." Cas complains. Dean takes a step towards Cas.
"Your jeans aren't too soaked yet." Dean says unbuckling Cas's belt and slipping the damp pants off and tossing them on the tile. Dean stands in his boxers as blood continues to run off his arms and legs as Cas stands in boxers and a t-shirt.
"Dean? You left University for me?" Cas asks.
"Again. Why wouldn't I?" Dean asks pulling Cas under the hot streaming water and kissing him. Cas sucks Dean's bottom lip into his mouth before Dean smiles and pulls back.
"You didn't hurt yourself?" Dean asks again.
"No." Cas says. Dean grabs two handfuls of the shirt Cas is wearing and tears it in half.
"My shirt!" Cas whines.
"It was mine." Dean says as he tosses it aside.
"You never know that could have been mi-mmmmm." Cas falls into a hum as Dean's mouth connects to Cas's neck.
"Bastard." Cas breaths. Dean bites Cas's neck gently and Cas yelps in pleasure. Dean pushes Cas against the wall hard as he kisses his neck gently.
"Dean. I'm trying to be in a bad mood." Cas claims as he puts his hand on Dean's bare, strong chest in an attempt to push him away but Dean just slides down and kisses Cas's stomach.
"Ahhh. No. Knock it off! I need to clean the dirt out of your cuts!" Cas protests. Dean, not being convinced that Cas wants him to stop, reluctantly stands up and stands under the water.
"You weren't supposed to stop." Cas smiles at Dean.
"You want to clean the dirt." Dean points out. Cas steps forward and kneels, rubbing the scrapes above Dean's boxers waistband. Cas tugs down Dean's boxers slightly.
"Ey." Dean growls. Cas giggles as gently thumbs the injury as Dean's muscles keep tensing and releasing with the sudden jolts of pain. Cas digs a rock out of Dean's skin and Dean hisses, throwing himself backwards.
"Dean." Cas says in a threatening tone. Dean steps up again so Cas can keep cleaning.
"Clean your arms." Cas instructs. Dean begins rubbing his arms gently to remove the dirt from his skinned forearms. The brown injuries soon turn to a dark pink colour.
"See, clean." Cas says. Dean hisses several times before stepping out of the water.
"And fragile." Dean groans.
"Awh." Cas mocks and kisses Dean's throat.
"Balth is worried about you." Dean informs.
"He worries a little too much." Cas points out.
"Are you feeling better?" Dean asks.
"I don't think I can feel sad right now." Cas says.
"Good." Dean hums as he kisses Cas and bites his bottom lip gently. Dean can feel the blood soaking Cas and gently pushes Cas away to under the water.
"I don't want my blood on you in any situation." Dean says looking down to the white tub. Cas stands under the warm streaming water, obeying Dean's orders. Dean's head snaps up and he grabs Cas's arm and Cas tries to resist but Dean sees the dips in his skin already. Dean sighs and stares at them contently before touching his lips to each and every single one of them. Each time Cas jumps not sure how to feel about it.
"I love you, Castiel. I hope you know that." Dean whispers against Cas's warm, soft skin.
"I won't ever forget that.." Cas pauses.
"I'm just scared that you'll hurt me." Cas's voice breaks. Dean stands and immediately hugs Cas.
"I promise you Castiel. I will never. Ever hurt you." Dean says. Cas cries as water streams over him and Dean.

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