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The night had passed. Bobby came to take Gabe and Luci back to the warehouse. Cas stared at Dean in shock. I explained everything and gave Cas the night to digest it.
"I'm goin to grab some food, want anything?" Cas asks casually. Trying his hardest not to look at his fiancé on the hospital bed.
"Uhm, I'll just take a water. Thanks Cas." Sam nods. Cas quickly walks out of the room and Sam waits for a minute before looking at Dean.
"Hey, Dean?" Sam starts. "I know you might not be able to hear me... But it's the 20th and you are getting married... Dean married on the 27th... Seven days Dean. You are getting married to Castiel." Sam laughs as tears burn his eyes and tug at his throat.
"You have to get married before our little brother. Before me, Dean. You can't lay here in a coma while your Fiance tears his hair out. Come on, Dean. I want you awake. You have to be awake! Wake up, Dean!" Sam cries.
He puts his forehead on the hospital bed.
"I need you." He whispers. Sam clears his throat and sits up. Cas walks back in tossing the bottle of water back at Sam.
"Thanks." Sam mutters as he stares at Cas.
"Mhm." Cas mumbles around his cheese burger. Sam chuckles.
"These things make me.. Very happy." Cas mutters. Sam nods and opens his water taking a drink.


Sam and Cas decided to play chess. For some unknown reason to the both of them. Sam was winning though. From across the room... Breaking the dead silence... Dean shifts in the hospital bed. The heart monitor speeds up slightly.
"Sammy?" A raspy voice comes from beneath the breathing mask. Dean takes his arm from under the heating blanket and shoves the mask off his face. Meanwhile Sam almost falls on his face as he races to the bed side. Cas laughs at Sam's clumsiness.
"Cas?" Dean asks. Cas stands and walks over to Dean slowly, unsure.
"Dean!" Sam shouts.
"Ow. Sam shut up. Or be quieter whatever just... Shush." Dean whines with a deep raspy voice.
"Wide awake and functional I see." A doctor mutters.
"All tests also came back perfectly normal so as soon as Dean is ready to go. He can." Lisa pops in.
"Lisa?" Dean stutters out.
"Hey, little rainbow. Hope the closet's comfortable." Lisa smirks. Cas laughs and Dean glares at Sam. Sam and Cas talk to Dean for a bit about everything. Dean brings up the wedding and Cas tells him that everything is planned. He doesn't have to worry.
"Hey... Dean? What happened to Gabe?" Sam asks.
"Mm.. Scratched himself on.. A nail... On his bed..." Dean says slowly as he begins to fall asleep.
"And he asked you to sew him up?" Sam asks. Dean nods.
"Then you kept him warm... And... Literally froze yourself... To an icecube." Sam points out.
"Mhm." Dean hums. Dean absent mindedly reaches over to Cas and winds their fingers together. Cas jumps slightly at how cold Dean is. Dean falls  asleep quickly and Cas crawls onto the bed, resting Dean's head on his lap.


Dean sits at a table with his chin resting on the table. He has a glass filled with wate mr and is dropping ink into the water and watching it silently. Everyone talks about Dean's condition and that he shouldn't be left alone again for a little while. Dean isn't playing attention. He slips headphones over his ears and plays "Night Moves" by Bob Seger.
"He's not acting the same, Sam." Cas crosses his arms.
"Give him some time. We did kind of treat him like a kid. Hell, we still are. Look at him!" Sam gestures to Dean dropping another drop of purple ink into the already rainbow glass.
"Okay, well. I'm going to try and get him to sleep." Cas says. Sam looks at his watch and nods.
"Everyone to bed!" Sam commands. Everybody whines and argues but agrees. Cas walks over to Dean amd slides his headphones off his ears.
"Babe." Cas says.
"Hmm?" Dean acknowledges Cas.
"Let's go to bed." Cas suggests.
"Mkay." Dean hums. He lets Cas lure him away from the inked glass and over to their part of the warehouse. Cas closes and locks the door and turns to see Dean watching him.
"What?" Cas asks. Dean observes Cas slowly looking up and down him.
"Dean you are kinda scarin-" Cas is cut off by Dean taking a step forward and kissing Cas. Cas shivers slightly and the dropped tempurature Dean seems to still have.
"You're so warm." Dean whispers as he pulls away.
"You're so cold." Cas whimpers. Dean turns Cas' head and kisses his neck, biting slightly.
"This is not childish anymore." Cas mutters.
"I'm not a child. Sam gave me ink and a glass. I did that to him when he was four to keep him from annoying me." Dean explains. His breath wisps across Cas' skin, making Cas shiver again.
"No helping Gabe tonight." Cas says. Dean nods and kisses Cas' neck again. He pulls Cas to the bedroom and backs Cas into the bed, lowering them gently.
"My wonderful fiance. Must we attend college football?" Dean asks.
"No." Cas says flatly.
"Good." Dean mutters. His hands slips under Cas' shirt, up and down his sides.
"Hey, Dean?" Cas whispers.
"Hmm?" Dean rests his forehead on Cas' shoulder.
"For a honeymoon.. Where do you want to go?" Cas asks.
"I don't care. As long as I'm with you." Dean replies, his voice shaking but certain.

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