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Dean breaths shallowly as he looks in the mirror, re-adjusting every part of his suit and hair and tie.
"Dean. Stop it." Sam swats Dean's hands away as he adjusts the the tie properly and then the collar of his shirt and puts a white rose in the chest pocket.
"You look great, Dean." Sam smiles. Dean breaths again. There is a knock at the door and Gabriel walks in.
"Wow. Look at you two." Gabe says.
"Says the sharply dressed kidult." Dean comments smirking at Gabe.
"I try." Gabe comments. Lucifer walks in.
"Almost ready?" He asks.
"Yes." Dean says certain. They left Lucifer is charge of the decorating and timing and all.
"Alright. Your black steed awaits." Lucifer gestures to the Impala, polished and shined. Purring like a cougar, ready to go take him to his big day. Lucifer, Gabriel and Sam pile into the Impala.
"Let's go." Dean says. The trip to the park is a long silent one. They pull into the parking lot next to Bobby's car.
Dean turns off the car and slips the keys in his pocket.
He sits in the car staring at the steering wheel silently.
"Sam, do you think Cas and I are rushing this?" Dean asks quietly.
"Not at all." Sam assures.
"Okay." Dean nods fidgeting with the flat gold engagment ring on his finger. He gets out of the car and walks to the gazebo and takes his spot, waiting for Cas. Music starts playing and before Dean knows it, Cas is standing in front of him. Dean blanks out staring at his husband.
"Do you, Dean Winchester, take Castiel Novak to be your husband?" The minster asks.
"I do." Dean stares into Cas' deep blue eyes.
"Do you, Castiel Novak, take Dean Winchester to be your husband?"
"I do." Cas whispers.
"I now pronounce you husband... And husband. You may now kiss." The minister sounds slightly confused. Dean steps forward and puts his hand on Cas' cheek and kisses him gently. As if he were kissing him for the first time. Cas holds Dean's wrist as there are several cheers from a small group of friends and family. Dean lifts Cas up and walks them back down the isle and doesn't let Cas down until they get to the Impala.
I just married the love of my life! Dean thinks to himself as he kisses Cas again.
I married him. I can't believe he's mine. All mine! Dean mentally cheers. Now to go to the venue.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Please welcome the first dance of the newlyweds." An announcers voice interrupts everyone chats. Cas and Dean walks onto the dancefloor and a song that no one really knows starts playing and Cas and Dean dance together.
"I don't see why this is a tradition." Dean mutters. Cas laughs quietly.
"Cheer up, babe." Cas whispers. Dean immediately perks up when Cas calls him babe. Dean looks into Cas' blue eyes. They are so open yet still hold so many secrets. There are so many layers and Dean wants to explore every single one. The song ends and people cheer.

The rest of the night flies by and everyone eventually ends up going home.
"Congratulations, Dean. I didn't think you'd make it through the night without fainting but you did." Sam comments.
"Thank you, Sam." Dean says. Meaning for more than just the wedding and Sam notices.
"No problem." Sam says and wanders out of the hall they rented for he evening. Cas walks up and stands beside Dean. Dean's arm wraps around Cas' waist.
"G'night guys." Dean waves off the last of the crowd and turns to Cas, kissing him.
"My wonderful, wonderful husband. Come with me." Dean takes Cas' hand and drives them both to a hotel.
"The suite is ready." A lady smiles. Dean nods and leads Cas to the "presidential" suite.
"I though the honeymoon suite was too... Chick flick." Dean comments. Cas looks around. He notices a sign on the desk.
Congratulation, Castiel and Dean Winchester.
Cas smiles knowing he is now a Winchester. Dean wraps his arms around Cas' stomach.
"On a scale of one to infinity. I am beyond infinity happy today." Dean says.
"That makes no sense." Cas comments, turning around in Dean's arms.
"It did to me." Dean shrugs.
"But i-" Cas gets cut off by Dean kissing him. Cas hums quietly and Dean turns them around and lays Cas on the bed, laying on top of him. Dean unbuttons Cas' tux and shirt and tosses them aside running his hands along Cas' toned stomach. Cas watches Dean's face. He notices the longing. The want. The urge. Cas sits up and undoes Dean's tux and shirt, tossing them aside. He kisses Dean's chest and collarbone and neck while Dean groans softly.
"C-cas." Dean whispers. Cas flips them so Dean is on the bed and undoes the button on his pants and undoes them, tossing them aside too. He begins to slowly stroke Dean.
"Holy. Oh my god, Cas." Dean arches his back off the bed. As Cas continues, Dean begins going insane.
"Come here." Dean breaths. He yanks Cas' pants off and throws them to the side and bends Cas over the edge of the bed. Cas breaths harshly as Dean makes slowly moves back and forth.
"Oh. God!" Cas breaths wanting more. Dean breaths slow and steady, one hand flat on Cas' back and one hand holding his hip. Cas begins making his own movements against Dean. Side to side. Dean's breathing gets harsher as he speeds up.
"Cas." Dean breaths as he runs his hands up to Cas' shoulders and down his back again. The two move in a perfect rhythm against eachother. Dean's hands holds Cas's hips as a groan escapes his mouth. Dean thrusts harder and Cas doesn't know what to do with himself. He looks to Dean over his shoulder and Dean's eyes are closed and he is biting his lip harshly to a white colour.
"Dean." Cas moans his name and Dean lets his lip go and leans down, kissing Cas's neck and back.
"Just Married." Dean whispers in a measured tone into Cas's ear.

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