Scorpio Trying To Get Intimate Only To Keep Being Interrupted By Altair

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"Don't resist, surrender to me... Body and soul." Scorpio, laying on top of me, moaned against my ear. With my hands bound above my head by one of his own, I was powerless to resist his furthering advances.

My body shuddered from his every touch as his free hand traveled under my clothes gliding along my bare skin. A satisfied smile played on his lips at the little moans that escaped mine. It looked to be the beginning of a most heated night in bed...That was until there was a knock on the door.

Releasing his hold on me, Scorpio propped himself up into a sitting position and glared at the door, "Come in." His tone was cold and frightening, he wasn't happy about the interruption.

The door slowly opened and a tiny figure emerged. It was Altair who had interrupted our intimate moment.

Noticing the heavy atmosphere that loomed in the air, Altair tread carefully into the room, "Master Scorpio, I'm here to remind you about the report-"

"Yes, yes. I know. I'll get it done soon. Is that all?"

Altair slightly shuddered under Scorpio's threatening gaze. Taking in a breath he spoke, "Yes. I'm sorry for interrupting. I'll be going now." He bowed his tiny head and quickly skeddaddled out the door.

"Don't you think you were a bit harsh? He's only a kid..." Sitting on the bed besides Scorpio, I gazed at the door Altair just left through moments ago.

Scorpio still looked to be in a huff as his head shot towards me, "Not it was not. He knows better than to interupt my time with you." He growled.

"But...Ahh!" Scorpio had once again pushed me back on the bed and resumed where we had left off; his movements being even rougher than before, perhaps fueled by his previous annoyance.

"This time nothing will stop us." His hot breath against my soft skin set my body aflame but then...

*knock knock*

"Again?!" Scorpio, now half undressed, jumped off the bed and stomped towards the door.
Thrusting the door open, Scorpio glared at the little boy, "What now?"

Altair was frozen, shuddering he gulped, "I-I forgot to tell you that the king requested to see you tomorrow."

Hearing mention of the king only angered him further, scowling and his eye twitching, Scorpio spoke, "If that's all then leave us alone." He then turned around and slammed the door so hard behind him the whole building shook.

With wide eyes, I spoke with exasperation, "S-Scorpio! Be careful. At this rate all the gods will know what is happening and might try to interupt us too."

But Scorpio didn't seem to care. "Let them try. I will annihilate any who do. Especially if it was that lion..." He huffed and got back ontop of me. Once again he resumed where he left off only to be interrupted again...and again...

Scorpio was now only wearing a sheet around his waist as he came back to bed, "Why is Altair constantly interrupting me to only tell me such useless information?!" The scowl on his face deeping, Scorpio sat back on the bed holding his head in his hands.

"For being so upset you sure are going easy on him. You really do like him don't you?" I smiled as I lightly teased him.

Scorpio immediately jumped at my statement and with a blush on his face he frowned, "Don't be stupid! Idiot!"

I laughed at his reaction, I knew he secretly adored little Altair even if he didn't like to show it.

"Let's go." Still blushing from my words, Scorpio suddenly grabbed my wrists, "Huh? What are you doing?" And he snapped his fingers.

We appeared in an abandon house that seemed to be in the middle of some woods who knows where.

"Finally, some peace and quiet. It's not quite like my bedroom back at the gods house but this will do." Scorpio pushed my back onto the bed with a wicked smirk, "Now there will be nothing to stop us." He grinned and leaned in closer, "I want to hear your voice tonight. Scream out my name, only I'll be here to hear it."

The realization of his words hit me hard, he was right, it was only him and I all alone in the forest. I would be at his mercy all night long with no way out as he ravaged my body entirely.

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