The Gods Trying Vegemite For The First Time

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-”What is this nasty looking black stuff?”
-”Just try it”
-Takes a bite
-Immediately starts coughing and dry wrenching
-”Why did you feed me poison?!”
-His face is full of disgust
-He trusted you and you tried to kill him
-Is trying to fight the urge to run away and throw up
-You almost die from laughter
-Never trusts you when it comes to food ever again
-Asks Karno in the future to be his guine- err to try taste test anything new first.


-Glares at the Vegemite covered bread in his hands
-”Eat it”
-”You eat this?!”
-Is wary but nevertheless takes a bite
-Nearly falls on the floor
-”Would you quit that you ain't dying”
-You are left shaking your head as Scorpio holds his throat and literally looks like he could drop dead
-”Who says?! That stuff could freakin’ kill the King!”
-Scorpio continues to gag
-Regrets ever listening to you and only wishes he could get rid of the foul taste


-”This doesn't look very appetizing…”
-Is hesitant
-Worries if it will make him sick
-”Don't worry.'s, uh, sweet. Yeah.”
-You tell a white lie and not entirely convinced he takes a bite
-He drops to the floor
-”Th-That wasn't the least bit sweet…”
-Lays on the floor, coughing
-Can't believe people actually willingly digest such foul poison


-”This is edible?”
-”It smells nasty…”
-”C'mon try some”
-Thanks to your smile he can't resist he caves and takes a bite
-”Erm, Dui?”
-He looks paralyzed
-He is frozen to the spot with his eyes wide open
-”Dui?! Are you okay?”
-He is in shock
-Tears start to form in his eyes
-”I can't believe you tried to poison me”
-You sigh and roll your eyes
-Here you were worried it was something else and he just thought you were poisoning him
-”Everyone seems to think I'm poisoning them today”
-Vegemite is only to be consumed by the bravest of hearts


-It was now Huedhaut’ turn
-He only took a bite because it was you asking
-”How is it?”
-He doesn't say a word
-You think he must not mind it
-But the silence continues
-You gently tap him on the shoulder but he doesn't respond
-Suddenly he falls back on the sofa
-He passed out
-”Oh no I killed Hue”
-Relieved to see he was still breathing and perfectly fine you sigh at his exaggerated reaction
-”Wait! I was only kidding!”
-You ignore Huedhaut and stomp out of the room


-Wonders why you are trying to feed him some strange food
-”Try it”
-”But It looks funny”
-”Try it for me”
-Just like Dui he caves to your smile
-Immediately spits out the bite he took
-Starts to pout
-”I trusted you…”
-Is almost crying
-He looks so cute
-You want to pinch his pouty cheeks
-”I can use this”
-You worry about his sudden change in demeanor
-I can prank the others. ...Let's see. I can mix it in with all their favorite foods.”
-He started to laugh like a child
-He looked like a villain planning his master prank
-How evil to mess with their food!


-”I'm not putting that in my mouth”
-He was very adamant
-”Just a teeny bite?”
-You had to put on all your charms until he finally caved
-His reaction was a classic, pure shock swept across his face
-*cough* “Wh-What” *cough* “Is the meaning” *cough* “of this?”
-You could hardly contain your laughter at seeing how he acted
-He could barely stop coughing and looked like he might throw up
-Is deeply hurt it tasted nothing like chocolate
-It wasn’t sweet at all
-You had better run and fast before he gives you a terrible scolding


-”This doesn't look soft or sweet…”
-”Just give it a bite, okay?”
-Aigonorus shrugs and decides to try it because you asked
-His eyes are wide with shock
-He grabs his throat as he gags
-”I...I think...I'm...dying…!”
-He keeps coughing until suddenly falling completely silent as he drops back on his bed
-You try shake him awake but he doesn't move
-You completely knocked him out
-He couldn’t handle it and his body shut off
-”These gods… Are so weak”
-It was amusing but shocking to see how everyone has reacted to the Vegemite


-Out of all the gods he was willing to give it a try
-”How is it?”
-”Not bad, actually”
-You nearly pass out from shock
-He actually liked it
-Of course the god with the spiciest taste buds would like it
-He's already got weird taste in the first place
-”I should share this with the others, they may just like it”
-You tell Karno that's a terrible idea
-Very bad
-At this rate they are probably all working a plan on how to rid the world from this vile poison
-You imagine all the gods having a meeting discussing it this very moment

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