A Special Date With Karno

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You had just gotten home from work when Karno suddenly appeared before you. "Karno? I thought you were busy." You asked in your confusion. Earlier, Karno had told you he wouldn't be able to see you for some time as work had grown hectic but now here he was standing before you in person.

Karno looked at you with a carefree smile and without saying a word he ambled up to you and lifted you up in his arms and spun you around, "Leon gave me some time off so I came to see you straight away." Karno said, looking awfully happy. Carefully he put you down but still kept his arms firmly around you and his gaze on you.

"I'll have to thank him later." You smiled. And then Karno looked like he remembered something, "We are going out tonight." He stated.

You cocked your head looking curious, "Where are we going?" You asked but Karno only continued to smile, "First we need to get changed." Karno said, snapping his fingers. In an instant the two of you had completely transformed. You were now wearing a gorgeous baby pink silk gown complete with a diamond necklace and earrings. While Karno was no longer wearing his uniform but a black suit and white shirt instead.

You looked amazed at what you were wearing, you could hardly believe your eyes, "These clothes... They are gorgeous." You said in disbelief.

Karno grinned and leaned close to whisper in your ear, "You really are prettier than any goddess of the heavens. Tonight you will be my shining goddess." He then pulled back to see your reaction, the blush on your cheeks was just what he'd hoped for, Karno smiled in amusement.

"Let's go." Karno said, taking hold of your hand. "Wa-" Just as you tried to ask him one last time where you were going Karno had snapped his fingers cutting you off.

Your surroundings had completely changed before your eyes. You could smell the faint scent of the salty ocean and the crashing of the ocean waves. Not too far in the distance you saw the vast ocean spread out before your eyes lit up by the moonlight; the ocean glimmered like an ocean of stars it truly was beautiful.

Still holding your hand, Karno started to lead you forward until you came to a small restaurant nestled by the shimmering ocean. You looked around but there was not a soul in sight other than the people who worked there. You looked at Karno with a questioning gaze.

Karno smiled back, "I reserved this place just for the two of us tonight. I wanted to be alone with you."
Your heart skipped a beat and your cheeks started to grow hot. Your chest filled with emotions over how wonderful and thoughtful the man was whom you loved so much.

A waiter lead you to your seats. You couldn't help but admire the beautiful ocean from where you sat. It really was a true beauty, "It's beautiful." You whispered in awe. "It really is beautiful." Karno responded and just as you were about to reply to him you realized he wasn't even looking at the ocean but at you.

Embarrassed, you quickly looked away to hide your red cheeks but Karno leant over the table and placing his hand under your chin he forced you to look at him, "The stars in your eyes tonight are exceptionally beautiful." Karno said in a gentle, loving tone as he admired the beauty before him. However, you were so red from his passionate gaze that you felt like you could simply melt on the spot.

"Tonight is our special night. I plan to spend every moment of it loving you." Karno whispered in your ear before sitting back down. You were left hot and speechless on your seat while Karno looked on with amusement.

After you both finished dinner the two of you went for a stroll along the beach, walking with hands entwined. With no one else around to disturb the peace it really felt like at that moment you two were the only souls alive.

You had walked for some time in complete silence simply enjoying one anothers company when Karno suddenly came to a stop surprising you.

"Karno?" You whispered his name as you turned around to face him. You were surprised to see the serious look in his eyes.

"___." Karno breathed your name and pulled you towards him in an embrace, "I want to spend my life with you. I've given it a lot of thought and I don't want it to be any other way. I want us to get married someday." He said in a serious but firm tone.

Your eyes shook with emotion as you listened to his meaningful words. "I don't care if I'm a god and you are a human. I'll overcome anything to remain at your side. I'll prove to the heavens- no the whole universe- my love for you is deeper than any ocean and vaster than the universe itself. Anything that may come our way and threaten to tear us apart I know we'll be okay because we have love on our side." Karno finishes, it looked like a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders as he breathed a little sigh of relief.

You on the other hand, were struck speechless. Karno had practically just proposed to you, even if he didn't ask you to marry him right now, he did say it's definitely a future prospect. Just the thought of him thinking so deeply about this and just how much he truly loved you brought tears to your eyes.

"Karno..." You whispered his name through your tears and doing your best to smile. Karno smiled lovingly back at you and brushing the tears from your eyes he pulled you against him, "I love you so much my beautiful goddess." Karno muttered as he stroked your head and gazed up at the starry filled sky. A joyous smile on his face as he imagined what awaited for you both in the future.

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