Baby- Scorpio

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"She's so small." Scorpio said in a small breath as he held his baby daughter.

"Of course she is. Babies are always small." You laughed lightly and smiled joyfully at watching Scorpio hold his daughter. He looked like a totally different person when he held her in his arms. His eyes would soften and he gave off a gentle aura.

"She's not moving and her eyes are closed. I didn't kill her did I?!" Scorpio started to panic and looked towards you for help.

"No." You shook your head, trying to hold back your laughter, "She is just sleeping."

"I see. Then she must be comfortable with me." Scorpio looked relieved and happy to know his baby daughter felt safe enough to sleep in his arms.

The way he looked so proud as he held her warmed your heart. Though he never stopped worrying if he hurt her or commenting how small she was and how you created such a tiny human, but those were all parts of him you found endearing.

"Oh, she woke up." Scorpio flinched when she suddenly opened her eyes, "Did I do something wrong? Why did she wake up?" Scorpio began to panic again and looked at you.

"That's normal. Babies are like that." You assured him with a smile and he nodded as if he understood.

But then she started to cry, "She's crying. What should I do?!" Scorpio was even more flustered then before and started rocking her in his arms but she wouldn't quieten down. "Does she hate me now?" Scorpio became worried and brought her closer to his face, "What is it child. Tell me what is wrong."

"Pffffft." You completely lost it at this point and Scorpio shot you a look as if asking what's so funny. "Babies can't talk. She won't be able to tell you anything."

"Oh... I knew that." Scorpio huffed abd turned away to hide his reddening cheeks.

"I think it's time for a diaper change."

"Diaper change?" Scorpio briefly froze as he understood what that meant then looked down at his daughter, "I don't think I'll be able to handle this one. Mummy will take over now. I'll just go and watch from the side." Scorpio tried to hand her back to you to try an escape but you wouldn't allow it.

"You said we are in this together, remember? It's your turn to change her diaper." You gave a terrifying smile and Scorpio shrunk under it and gave a slight nod.

"This smells revolting. How does my child smell so bad?" Scorpio looked confused.

"Because she is a baby and all diapers smell bad when they need changing. Being your child won't change that." You laughed and helped him along with changing the diaper and once it was done Scorpio sighed in relief and gasped for air as he held his breath the whole time.

"Geez child, are you trying to kill your father?" Scorpio grumbled and picked her back up. She was much quieter now.

It wasn't long until Scorpio had fallen asleep with her on the couch. She was fit snug as a bug in his arms and the pair slept soundly together. As much as he complained or worried about every little thing, Scorpio was the kindest and proudest father you knew. And watching him spend time with his daughter always filled you with joy and many happy memories.

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