What The Gods Were Like As Children

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So I decided to reinstall Wattpad but still no promises at this time on writing actual stories though I may again soon...I dunno.

Instead I made a few headcanon posts like this. If anyone has ideas for more I could do like that feel free to mention them but there's no guarantee when/if I'll be able to do them.


-He would be the leader
-All the other kids would follow him around and look up to him
-He was actually a crybaby but got over it as he got older
-Loved to pick flowers and give them to his mother
-Probably had chubby cheeks his parents liked to pull
-He whined in protest but enjoyed his parents attention
-Got in trouble often for wandering off to find pretty flowers for his parents
-Often fell asleep on fields of flowers
-Loved to be carried on his parents shoulders


-Often wondered what it was like to have parents who love you
-Was jealous of other kids
-Especially when they looked happy
-Craved attention
-Probably would have enjoyed plush toys for comfort
-Cried all alone at night but always denies it
-Wishes he was never born or at least born in a loving home
-Hates the choices he has to make
-Tried to be strong but deep down was a troubled child who wanted to be loved
-Looked heartless and emotionless but felt more than he ever wished to


-Was always smiling as a kid
-Tried to make everyone happy
-It didn’t take much for him to get into trouble nor get out of it
-No one could resist his innocent eyes
-Loved to tease the girls he liked
-He would find the prettiest flower just to make her happy
-Would get up to all sorts of games with his best friend
-They loved to count the stars together and make shapes from the clouds
-They promised to always be friends
-Dui didn't have a care in the world
-All he needed was his best friend and his family
-He treasured them the most


-Even as a child he was always seen with his nose stuck in books
-Sometimes would cry to get his way
-Only when he met a certain goddess did his life expand beyond his books
-They always stargazed together and promised to marry when they got older
-Huedhaut spent his time learning new and interesting things he could show her
-He always smiled when he imagined her smiling face
-It wasn’t often but Huedhaut had his times he got into trouble doing something he shouldn't have
-Like getting lost in the forest with the goddess just because he heard about a beautiful lake and he wanted to show her
-When it came to her he always lost his sense of reason
-Thankfully as he got older that got better


-He was always a carefree child
-Everyone wanted to play with him
-The other kids thought he was fun and his pranks were amusing
-Though he often got into trouble when his pranks got out of hand
-Ichthys loved to play with the fish and go swimming with them
-Sometimes he even brought one of his fish friends home but his parents always told him to return it
-Ichthys loved his parents and most times did as they told
-He loved it when they doted on him and always did what he could to make them happy
-He got his cheerful smile from his mother
-Always dreamed about being a hero and would pretend to be one with his friends


-Was a bit of a pushover as a kid
-He was known to be a crybaby but never admits it
-Was always fascinated by the other humans and loved playing with human kids
-Zyglavis would perform tricks with his powers to make them smile
-He was always the first to try break up a fight and act as peacemaker
-Zyglavis would learn the kids different likes and do his best to bring them something that would make them happy
-He was always smiling as a child
-He was said to have one of the kindest smiles
-Zyglavis always loved the humans since he was a child and hoped things would remain peaceful forever
-He sounded a touch on the feminine side at first until his voice cracked and it deepened significantly
-He loved to be hugged from his parents


-He talked a lot as a child
-Aigonorus always was a curious child
-He wanted to discover the world around him
-There was always a smile or a curious expression on his face
-He loved to carry around his goat pillow wherever he went
-Even when he took naps with his friends he would be snuggling his goat pillow
-He enjoyed talking to animals more than real people
-He loved making friends with them
-They were his friends
-He always slept with his animal friend
-They were warm and fluffy
-All he needed was his friends and his pillow
-He loved to show his parents his friends and even asked if they could live with them
-Of course that was too difficult so he just visited them every day

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