My Little Star- Leon

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It felt like just yesterday when you had to say goodbye. Spending your final few precious moments with the one you love before uttering your final farewell and seeing them off with tearful eyes- it was a memory that replayed in your mind daily.

It had been ten years since that day. However, you weren't left without a final parting gift. You hadn't known it at the time but a month later when you fell ill you learnt you were pregnant. You had been blessed with a beautiful daughter who looked so much like her father. She made you so happy but at the same time a painful sadness pricked your heart as she reminded you what you had lost.

“Mama, aren't you going to eat?” Your daughter looked at you with worry from her seat besides you.
“Hmm.” You looked at her in a daze before snapping out of it, “Oh, yes.” You smiled, trying to reassure her you were okay, “I was just thinking about something.” You mumbled as you took a mouthful of food.

“Was it about papa?” She asked, her eyes big and round. You smiled and nodded, “That's right.”

You told all kinds of stories about her father and how he was a wonderful, kind man. He was wild like a lion and full of confidence but deep down was the kindest, sweetest man you ever knew. Oh how you missed Leon.

Estelle. That was your daughter's name. She was your little star and you knew up in the heavens she was Leon's little star too. Perhaps the brightest star he knew.

“Mama, will I ever get to meet papa?” Estelle asked, staring at the table looking a little sullen. You felt your heartbreaking from seeing her look so sad and so you told her, “Wish on the stars. Your father loved the stars. I'm sure if wished hard enough it's bound to come true.” You smiled, though you knew it was impossible.

Leon, and all the gods, were forbidden from ever coming to earth again. Leon's crime for loving a human and even engaging in relations with them came with a hefty price. Leon was to cut off all contact with you and leave earth or face being destroyed. The love you both shared was indeed a forbidden one and the most bittersweet. To this day your hearts still yearn for one another, not a day goes by where your love grows weaker. For all the days you lived you would continue to love him. And Leon, being a god, would be spend an eternity carrying these feelings that can never be shared.

No matter how much he wished it he could not touch, smell, kiss or tell you how much he loved you.

Estelle smiled and her face lit up, “I love the stars! Okay. I'm going to make a wish every night until I see him.” Her voice sounded hopeful as she stood up from her seat and eagerly ran to the kitchen to wash her plate.

You were struck with a feeling of guilt but you just wanted to make her feel better even if it was only temporary. Someday she would learn they can never meet.

Though you wondered if Estelle could ever go to the heavens having the blood of a god run through her veins but she would probably be viewed as a sin, an outcast something that never should have existed. You worried what would happen to her after you died but the thought only made you sadder and so you pushed it to the back of your mind.

That night, Estelle opened her bedroom window and looked up at the starry sky. It was particularly beautiful tonight. Estelle put her hands together and closed her eyes, “Stars please hear my wish, I wish with all my heart to see my father. Please make my wish come true.” After she finished she tucked herself into bed hoping with all her heart her wish would come true.

Meanwhile, up in the heavens.

Leon was looking over the reflecting pool. His chest heavy and his heart crushed, “My little girl…” His face twisted with grief, “I want to fulfill your wish.” It pained him deeply that out of all the wishes he heard that night the one he wanted to grant most was the only one that would go left unheard.

“What a beautiful girl you have grown up to be. If only I could hold you in my arms.” Leon sighed sadly and closed his eyes, “I am the minister of wishes and I can't even grant my own daughter's wish. The wish of child with a heart so pure. Why am I being forced to watch her heart be broken!” Leon grew hot with rage and slammed his hand across the water's surface distorting the image.

“This...this is only how she will ever see me. Some distorted figure because I am forbidden to see her. She will never see the real me…” Tears pricked at his eyes at the thought of never seeing his daughter. Oh how he wished he could see her. Leon shared his daughters wish. He wanted to grant it just as strongly as she yearned for it to be granted.

Every night without fail Estelle would sit at her bedroom window and wish on the stars. For years she continued to do so never giving up hope that one day it might be granted.

While you and Leon were torn apart by your daughters earnest wish to see her father. Every night Leon would writhe with agony unable to grant her wish and you would cry yourself to sleep knowing your daughter would never see her father.

“Estelle… My little star. You don't know how much your wishes eat away at me every day. Soon there will be nothing left of me…” Leon clenched his chest in pain, it was just too much for him to endure. This agony he couldn't escape. No matter how much he wanted to grant her wish and ease his pain it was impossible. He would have to endure this miserable reality for the rest of his life.

Leon was forced to watch Estelle mature into a beautiful young woman all while never getting to spend time with her, not once. Her whole childhood gone in the blink of an eye and he was forced to watch it through a pool of water never being able to see her in the flesh.

And yet, even as an adult, Estelle hadn't stopped wishing. More than anything she wanted to see her father and she believed if she kept wishing every night it would come true. That was the hope she had clinged to her whole life. If she could see him, even if only once, it would be the happiest moment of her life.

What a sad reality she faced. Her wishes forever going unanswered and scattered to the winds. Estelle will never have her wish fulfilled and Leon would forever be tormented at watching his daughter slowly crumble as she lost all hope and finally her light died out bringing him eternal suffering.

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