The Gods Reaction To MC Passing Out From A Fever And Looking After Her

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Leon was shocked to find you passed out in his bedroom and with a fever no less. You had come over to spend some time with him even when you weren't feeling well and as you waited for him in his room you blacked out. Leon wasted no time taking you in his arms and carrying you to his bed. He immediately prepared a wet cloth and placed it on your forehead. After that he went to find Huedhaut and seek out what he should do to help bring your fever down and soon came back with some medicine that Huedhaut recommended. However, you were too weak to even swallow seeing you were fading in out of of consciousness. With no other way, Leon took the medicine in his own mouth and bringing his lips to yours he helped you to swallow the medicine. Doing everything he could at this point, Leon simply remained by your side and carefully watched over you with tender eyes. Holding your feverish hand in his own, Leon sighed. He couldn't deny he was a little disgruntled that you pushed yourself to see him when you were in a such a state instead of resting. Leon felt regret that he was to blame for pushing you so far and promised to take better care of you in the future; he would be sure to always protect his goddess.

Scorpio was besides himself when you suddenly passed out while on a date in the city. Riddled with worry, Scorpio hurried to pick you up, and once out of sight, he snapped his fingers to return to the mansion. Scorpio knew you looked a little a flushed today but decided to give it no thought as he didn't think it was important, but if he realized sooner you were this bad there was no way he would have let you leave the house. You apologized to Scorpio for hiding how you really felt but it was too late for that now; the damage was already done. Scorpio just brushed it aside to focus on what really mattered now- taking care of you. However, Scorpio had no experience in human sickness and wasn't quite sure what he should do. In a weak voice you mentioned that a wet cloth was a good place to start. Scorpio immediately snapped his fingers and no sooner did a wet cloth appear. Resting on Scorpio's bed, he placed the wet cloth on your forehead. You then asked for a glass of water and like a flash of light Scorpio bolted from the room to grab you that glass of water. Scorpio sure wasn't kidding around. Anything you asked for he got you with no questions asked and in the blink of an eye; you were worried with how much he was pushing himself he'd be the next to collapse. Scorpio was just concerned for your wellbeing, more than anything he wanted to see you get better and bring the color to your cheeks. Scorpio would do anything and everything for you, the one he loves with all his heart.

Dui froze and his blood run cold when he saw you passed out on the floor of your apartment. He immediately feared the worst and broke out in a panic. In an instant, Dui rushed to your side and lifted you in his arms and was relieved to see you had just passed out. He then noticed your high fever and his face twisted into frustration that you would push yourself to this point. Dui felt a twinge of regret as he knew you pushed yourself for his sake as he was so looking forward to this date and being able to be with you. But now it looked like he was going to be with you in a different way; looking after you while you were sick. Dui carried you to your bed and then sought out something that could help bring your fever down. It wasn't long before Dui came back with a small bag of ice which he placed on your forehead. He then covered your hand with one of his own and simply watched over you and hoped you would soon awaken. Dui would stay by your side as long as it takes. There was no way he was leaving his most precious treasure while she was sick. Dui's eyes as he watched over you were filled with nothing but the utmost love he held for you and the goddess he saw you as. To Dui, you were his whole world.

It came as no shock to Huedhaut when you passed out suddenly. He picked up something wasn't right with you when you had come to the mansion to visit him. Huedhaut had tried to get you to rest in his room but you insisted you were fine but in actuality you were far from it. Huedhaut sighed at the situation and felt a slight pang in his chest from the fact you didn't listen to him and even worse tried to act like you were fine when he knew you weren't. Huedhaut took no time in carrying you to his bed, where you then woke up. You looked a little embarrassed and couldn't look Huedhaut in the eye as you knew he was giving you the "I told you so" look. You quickly apologized for not listening, you just so badly wanted to spend time with him that you didn't want to let how you were feeling get in the way. Huedhaut appreciated the thought but he rathered you took care of your health first as he didn't know what he'd do if he lost you a second time. Huedhaut wasted no time in nursing you back to health. First materializing a wet cloth and then medicine that would help reduce your fever. You really appreciated all the care Huedhaut was giving you and now thought getting sick wasn't so bad after all. It was nice being looked over so lovingly by the man dearest to your heart and Huedhaut was treating you with nothing but love and affection as he tenderly watched over you.

Ichthys panicked when you suddenly passed out as he told you a joke. He didn't think his joke was that bad it would have this kind of affect on you. But he quickly realized that wasn't the case at all as he touched your body and noticed the heat radiating from you. Ichthys was surprised to learn you had such a high fever that it even caused you to pass out. Luckily you were already in his bedroom so he didn't have to carry you far to his bed. After placing you on his bed, Ichthys was lost on what to do next and only panicked further as you laid on his bed unconscious but clueless on how to help you now. He thought about using his powers but that probably wouldn't help a human sickness. With nothing left to do, Ichthys rushed from the room and seeked out the wise god, Huedhaut. It was from him that he was advised of how to take care of you. Once back, Ichthys got a wet cloth for your forehead and then he noticed you had woken up. Ichthys smiled at you and told you not to worry as he'd take care of you and see that you recovered in no time. You gave him a small nod, still feeling weak. Ichthys then grabbed the medicine that Huedhaut had given him and got you to drink it. After that Ichthys instructed you to just relax and focus on getting better and that he'd be by your side the whole way watching over you. You thanked Ichthys and soon fell back to sleep. Ichthys kept his promise and never left your side, not even once. He stayed at your side watching over you with loving eyes while gently caressing your face with his hand. Ichthys did his best to look after his sleeping goddess.

Zyglavis was deeply concerned when you had suddenly passed out on your date at the beach- It was somewhere you had wanted to go with him for so long that you didn't want to let your sickness getting in the way and did your best to hide it but when things just got too much you couldn’t avoid passing out. Fortunately, Zyglavis caught you before you hit the ground and soon as he noticed the heat coming off you, Zyglavis frowned, lifted you up in his arms and took you back to his room in the mansion. Carefully placing you on his bed, Zyglavis followed the normal procedures to tending to a person with a high fever. When you woke up you noticed you were now in Zyglavis bedroom and felt the wet cloth on your forehead. Zyglavis was relieved to finally see you awake and you looked a little melancholy that you just had to get sick before this date you waited so long for. But then you felt a finger brush across your cheek and saw Zyglavis looking affectionately towards you. He told you that he was looking forward to the date just as much as you were which came as a surprise to you and made you feel oddly happy. But he begged you to never do this again; that was hiding your sickness just to be with him. Your wellbeing comes first and as your boyfriend it's his duty to always take care of you. You were so touched that he was so understanding and didn't scold you too much for your brash actions. Zyglavis’s lips curled into a tender smile and he told you to just relax and to not worry because he was going to be watching over you until you got better and forever more. Zyglavis would be your guardian angel always watching over and protecting his one and only love.

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