Ichthys Worst Mistake- Pranking Dui

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Smiling from ear to ear, Dui happily carried his freshly baked cherry pie you had just stopped by to give him. This was always his favorite time of the day, the time he got to indulge in pure bliss as he ate the pie you so lovingly made for him.

Smiling and humming to himself, Dui strolls over to the living room couch. But on the way he notices something terrifying... A big, hairy spider, the biggest he'd ever seen was suddenly on top of his pie. Dui's mouth shot open as his eyes went wide in horror and before he even realized what he had done the pie went flying from his hands and with a "splat" was now nothing but a red stain on the floor.

Dui spotted the spider crawling at his feet and with one fell swoop he took that beastie out with his boot.

He then turned his gaze to his destroyed cherry pie, "How could this happen... Who would ruin such a perfectly good cherry pie? Who is the monster that would destroy such a beautiful gift from my girlfriend?!" Dui kneeled before the red stain as he mourned his pie.

It was faint but Dui picked up the sound of laughter. He stood up on the spot and scanned his surroundings until locating the source of the laughter.

"Oh, crap!" Behind one of the couches Ichthys was found huddled up as he watched Dui. Ichthys face immediately turned to one of dread after realizing he had been found out.

"It was you!" Dui's voice bellowed, his eyes flared up and his mouth twitched.

"It was just a harmless prank!" Ichthys says, his voice shaking in fear.

Dui clicks his tongue and turns to the red stain on the floor, "Harmless?! Tell that to the remains of my cherry pie!" He spat, his mouth twisting into something sinister.

"D-Dui... You are scaring me..." Ichthys says, backing away, his whole body shaking.

"You better freakin' be scared. You just murdered my pie!" Dui points at the floor, "The red stain is all that is left of it. It never did anything to you but you went and killed it!"

"B-But it's not even alive." Ichthys says having now been backed up against the wall with Dui closing in on him. At that moment, Dui looked like the devil himself as he ruthlessly inched closer and closer to the frightened god.

"___ made that pie. She poured her feelings into making it for me. Her pies are very special to me. You understand don't you?" Dui says in a low, sinister tone.


"Don't you?!" Dui barked and Ichthys immediately straightened up and nodded his head.

Ichthys had already broken out into a cold sweat and swore Dui was even scarier than Zyglavis when he lectured him.

"Now then what should I do to you as punishment?" Dui says, narrowing his eyes at Ichthys as a wicked smirk played on his lips.

"Ahhh!" Scared out of his wits, Ichthys couldn't take it any longer and broke out into a run.

"Get back here you damn fish! I'm not done with you yet!" Dui yelled as he pursued the runaway god.

"No! I'm SORRY I ruined your pie I'll never do it again. I swear!" Ichthys screams as he runs in a panic.

"Tch. Like I'd believe that. Now be a good child and stop so I can punish you properly!" Dui shouted, his face scrunched up with rage.


"What are those two doing now?"

Teorus and Scorpio were left in a state of confusion as they saw Ichthys and Dui run past them as they ran through the mansion.

"I believe it has something to do with Dui's cherry pie." Huedhaut remarked.

"...That problem child has really done it now." Scorpio frowned.

"Heh. I wonder If Dui will make sashimi out of him?" Leon commented with a smug grin.

"If Dui ever catches up to him it's possible but fortunately for Ichthys he has a lot of experience in running away." Huedhaut smiled in amusement.

"But doesn't Dui as well when he runs with Ichthys?" Teorus asked, cocking his head.

"True. Well who wants fish tonight?" Huedhaut chuckled.

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