Drunk- Aigonorus

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"Has anyone ever told you that you have very sexy lips?" You closed in on Aigonorus with lustful eyes.

At some point you had drunk a whole bottle of alcohol. You didn't even mean to. It was a sweet tasting alcohol and it tasted so good that you kept pouring another glass not even realizing the affect it was having on you, and now? You were so drunk you had no sense of reason or self control.

"You need to lie down." Aigonorus tried to get you to settle down but you weren't having any of it.

You only had eyes for him and were thirsting for his touch.

"I'm not sleepy. I'd much rather have you." You licked your lips and giggled seductively.

Aigonorus didn't know what to do or how to handle you. Everything you were doing and everything you were saying was incredibly embarrassing.

You strolled up to him and grabbed him by his collar, "You want me too. Don't you?" You hungrily looked into his eyes but Aigonorus didn't speak a word. His face was blushing furiously and all he wanted to do was escape.

"I can see it in your eyes. You so want me." You grinned in a flirtatious manner and began tracing a finger down his bare skin. "I'll just have to take you myself." You suddenly declared and pushed Aigonorus back on the bed and straddled him and forcibly kissing him.

Though he was feeling awkward about the situation you had put him in, Aigonorus didn't resist and accepted your kiss though it tasted of the sweet alcohol. He really was surprised you could be so bold when you were drunk. It wasn't that he didn't like you this way, you were just too much for him to handle. You were so unpredictable that he didn't know what to expect next and it was exhausting.

Your lips then left his and made there way down his neck, you left little love bites as you went. Something Aigonorus would be sure to hide later...if he even can. You gave him so many that he was practically painted in them. Looking satisfied with your work you smiled proudly and then traced a finger over one of them.

"Hehe, these are the marks of my love." You continued to have your way with Aigonorus until at some point you passed out and your face returned to its normal gentle expression.

"Thank goodness." Aigonorus sighed in relief it was over and looked helplessly in the mirror at all the marks you had left him. He touched his neck looking troubled and recalled just how feisty you were when drunk. He didn't dislike it but he much rathered your sweet and innocent self.

Aigonorus joined you in bed and cuddled up with you. Yep. This was how he liked you best. Sweet and innocent.

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