Nightmare Fright- Scorpio

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Late one night, Iris slept soundly in bed. That was until a terrible nightmare plagued her mind. She tossed and turned, her face contorting in pain. All she could see was darkness, it had completely enveloped her. Iris could feel nothing but pain as the eerie silence consumed her. It all seemed too real, it was frightening. She wanted a way out; some way to escape. But was only met by one dead end after another. Iris screamed when a ghostly figure had cornered her, "Scorpio, save me!!!"

At that moment, Iris felt like her entire being was been shaken. She started shaking frantically when she heard a voice calling out to her.

"Iris! Wake up! Iris?!"

Finally, she opened her eyes and was met by reality. There, in front of Iris, was Scorpio gazing at her, deeply concerned.

"Huh... Was I dreaming?" In a daze, Iris sat up on the bed and noticed she was dripping with sweat due to the horrible nightmare.

Scorpio gave a little sigh, "Don't you even know when you are dreaming?" Though he sounded irritated, Scorpio was relieved to finally see her awake.

Iris turned to Scorpio with a look of dread, still recalling her previous dream, "I am sorry to have woken you..." Her heart beating a mile a minute, Iris still thought of Scorpio first and apologized.

"You silly girl." Scorpio rolled his eyes, thinking what to do with her, when he suddenly took her within his arms, "You had me worried..."

His complete change of tone and demeanor had left Iris dumbfounded, "Scorpio...?" She quietly whispered to him.

Scorpio, looking a little distraught, tightened his hold on her, "You had me worried... I didn't think you would wake up." He breathed, shaking a little. It was as if he had the nightmare himself.

"I am fine now. You needn't be so worried." Iris tried to assure him she was okay, wrapping her arms around him and holding him back.

Scorpio pulled back just enough to look her in the eyes, "You screamed my name several times. The pained look on your face... It was frightening." The usually brash god admitted to his fears. Generally disinterested with most things there was one thing Scorpio couldn't take and that was seeing the one he loved with all his heart...suffering.

Iris gently rubbed his back, a smile forming on her lips, "Thank you. It is so comforting to know you are always here for me."

At that Scorpio slightly shrunk back, a light blush spreading over his cheeks, "Don't get in over your head now." He tried to deny everything but when he saw the smile now on her lips, complete contrast to the pained look from earlier, he too started to smile.

Gently, Scorpio pressed his forehead to hers while gazing her in the eyes, "I really do love you..." He sighed like he was completely helpless; it was true, Scorpio was powerless against her charms.

Iris couldn't help but giggle a little, warmed to the heart, "I feel the same way."

Unable to resist for another second, Scorpio brought his lips to hers. His kiss was soft and sweet but filled with a great need, the need to taste her and be close to her, to know she was his and only his.

Scorpio slowly pushed her back onto the bed, never breaking off the kiss. The nightmare that had plagued her mind just previously was now but a distant memory as all she could think of was the man whose lips were upon hers and his lingering scent and the touch of his skin; these were all burned into her mind leaving no room for any incoherent thoughts.

Iris felt safe in his embrace and no longer feared that which might hurt her as Scorpio was her protector and lover and with him everything would always be okay.

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