The Gods Reactions To MC Overworking Herself

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Leon wasn't happy to see you overworking yourself. He knew how important it was to you become a doctor to help others but what good would that do if you drove yourself sick first. He urged you to take better care of yourself and not to push yourself beyond your limits. Leon cared dearly about you and just watching you grow weaker every day was painful. He understood it required a lot of effort and you had to give it your best to succeed, but Leon at least wanted you to think of your own health as well. Leon knew he couldn't simply just cheat and give you all the qualifications of a doctor, instead he did his best to aid you by helping you in any way he could if it helped make your life even a little easier; that was all that mattered to him.

Scorpio couldn't understand why you would give so much of yourself just for a career in medicine. It was one of the harder paths to follow and here you were giving it your best even if it was wearing you down- physically and mentally. You grew more and more tired and it had Scorpio deeply concerned. He knew he couldn't simply tell you to just quit. Not when you have put your heart into your work. Scorpio did his best to help ease your load and was always there when you needed someone to talk to. He may not be the best listener but just like you gave it your all for your future career Scorpio gave it his all to help you in whatever way he could.

Dui was besides himself with worry watching you work to the point of exhaustion. He begged you to get a better nights rest and to avoid staying up all night studying otherwise you would collapse and grow ill. Though he dread the thought Dui was even willing to spend less time with you if it could mean you spent more time studying at decent hours than studying in the night just because you wanted to spend time with him. It wasn't easy juggling between your love life and future career. Though you wanted to succeed in your work path you didn't want to have to sacrifice spending time with Dui either. Instead you both came to an agreement that you finished your work first then any time afterwards you would spend together and most of all Dui would ensure you got a good nights sleep...most times.

Ichthys was in a full panic when he found you passed out on the floor from exhaustion. That wasn't how he expected to find you when he came to visit. Finding out it was because of your studies Ichthys grew concerned. To know you were working yourself so hard it was impacting on your health. It hurt Ichthys. He knew it was important to you but he never realized just how much stress you would be put under and he almost asked you to stop because he couldn't bear it if anything happened to you. You promised Ichthys you would make sure it didn't happen again. Just to be certain it wouldn't Ichthys made sure to regularly check up on you and see that you weren't pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion again. And if you were Ichthys was quick to scold you and ordered you to rest. Not something you expected from the carefree Ichthys but it just showed how much he cared about you.

Huedhaut wasn't happy to learn just how overworked you had been lately. You had put too much work on yourself and were now suffering for it. He didn't hold back in scolding you for your recklessness only because he loved you and wanted the best for you. Huedhaut didn't think bringing so much stress upon yourself was healthy at all and pleaded that you took better care in the future. Huedhaut even offered up his wisdom if it helped with your studies. He just wanted to help lighten your workload even if only a little. There was no way Huedhaut could just remain silent and watch as you worked yourself to death. If there was a way to help you then you could be sure he would find it and waste no time acting upon it. He wasn't called the wise god of the heavens for nothing.

Zyglavis definitely was not impressed to learn how stressed you were because of your increased workload. While he admired your strong determination and willingness to go through such extremes for your future career he did not like seeing you so rundown. You were only a human and could not take many nights without sleep unlike a god who needed no sleep. Zyglavis urged you to put your health first and if he caught you being so foolish again that you worked yourself to the point of collapse he would give you quite the stern scolding. You knew he loved you very much by how much he was worrying and it filled you with joy and helped renew your energy to keep on going though you made sure to take his words to heart as you really didn't want to sit through one of his crazy long lectures.

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