Zyglavis Reaction To MC Being Pregnant And Becoming Parents

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Pregnant. That single word played over and over in your head. You couldn't believe the news when you found out. Sure you had been feeling a little off for a while but you never expected when you went for a check up to receive news of your pregnancy.

You felt nervous and panicked at what your husband, Zyglavis, will react to the news. You hadn't even been married very long and already the both of you were to become parents. ...It was frightening.

You took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself but still your heart was beating furiously in your chest. You couldn't hide the fact you were pregnant from your husband. That wouldn't be right. No. You had to tell him straight away no matter how much it scared you. You softly knocked on the door to the study. That was where Zyglavis often spent his time when he was working.

"Come in." A gentle voice responded from within.

This was it, you thought. You took one final breath and mustering up your courage opened the door and stepped inside.

Zyglavis immediately turned around to face you with a smile happy to see you.

"Hello. I just got back." You said with a soft smile.

Zyglavis stood up and started walking towards you, "I'm sorry I couldn't come with you. How did it go?" He said, placing his hands on your hips and looking straight into your eyes.

You lost yourself for a moment in the depths of his gorgeous eyes but soon came back to reality. You could feel your blood pressure rising and your heart racing as you got even more anxious. Unable to look him in the eyes you turned away.

"___? Is something wrong?" Zyglavis's worried tone made your heart ache. You knew you couldn't leave him like this.

You shook your head, "Everything is fine." You said, your voice slightly shaky.

You steeled your nerves and looked straight at Zyglavis with a serious gaze, "Zyglavis... I...I'm...p-pregnant." You finally said those words. You closely studied Zyglavis's face in anticipation. Wondering how he'd react. You thought your heart might explode from your nerves.

You felt Zyglavis tense up through his touch. His whole body froze as it looked like he was registering what you just told him. The silence was unbearable. You thought you might die if he didn't speak soon.

Finally, Zyglavis's lips started to move and your eyes grew wide as you awaited for what he had to say.

"Pregnant...? You are pregnant?" Zyglavis sounded like he was in disbelief. His eyes then moved to your belly and he placed a hand upon it.

"Zyglavis...?" You whispered his name in worry, your body grew hot from the tense atmosphere.

But the next moment... A broad smile appeared on his face and he took you into a sweeping hug.

"You are really pregnant. We are going to be parents." Zyglavis sounded overjoyed. You blinked a few times in surprise seeing as he reacted completely different to how you had expected.

Zyglavis pulled back and looked into your eyes with a gaze full of love, "I've always wanted to have a family with you. This makes me so happy..." Zyglavis said, unable to hide his smile or his pure joy.

You broke out into a smile of your own, relieved to hear how he felt. "Yes. Let's create a warm and happy family. One filled with laughter and built on love."

"I'd want nothing more. I promise to take good care of you and our child. Always." Zyglavis said, placing a tender kiss on your forehead. You could feel his love through his every touch, his every word, your chest was filled with nothing but love for him.

Zyglavis rested his forehead on yours and gazed lovingly into your eyes, the two of you simply smiled at each other overjoyed to know before long your family would be growing. It was definitely a joyous time for the both of you.

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