The Gods Trying To Use A Laptop

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-Doesn't even know how to turn it on
- “Why am I using this again?”
- You remind him the King thought it would make filing reports and doing work much quicker
-Leon mumbles threats under his breath
-Keeps pressing the wrong buttons
-Accidentally wipes the whole laptop
-Nearly has a breakdown
-Refuses to let the laptop win
-You watch in amazement as Leon fights the laptop
- The laptop wins
- Leon throws the laptop out the window
-Goes to tell the King it was a useless piece of junk that refused to comply
-Hides the fact he was just incompetent
-No amount of help you gave him would have saved the laptop
- Was a lost cause


-Stares at screen
-Keeps on staring
-Starts Scowling
-”Why doesn't it frickin’ turn on?”
-You mention he needs to press the power button
-Quickly says he knows that and turns it on
-Laptop immediately needs to update
-Scorpio doesn't understand why it needs to update
-Update breaks the laptop
-Scorpio grows angry
-”Piece of junk shouldn't have tried to improve itself it just went and broke instead!”
-You look at the laptop and it immediately works
-Scorpio looks at you like you are some goddess sent to save him
-You tell Scorpio to be gentle with it
-Scorpio is frustrated but tries his best to be gentle
-Laptop breaks again
- “Why does it hate me?!”
-You don't know why but the laptop seems to have a grudge against Scorpio
-Scorpio refuses to use the junky laptop
-The King actually messed with him the whole time
-Blame the King


-Asks if he can stick stickers of milk and ice cream on his laptop
-You can't look at his laptop without getting hungry
-Teorus can't even work out how to open his folders
-No matter how many times you show him he opens the wrong ones
-He's just as bad at navigating the laptop as he is at real life
-Gets lost in some unexplainable place on his laptop all the time
-Even you can't work out how he does it
-Keeps sending his laptop into safe mode
-Somehow his laptop is riddled with viruses
-Nearly every day he is coming to you about an issue with his laptop
-He is getting no work done
-You are getting no work done
-You throw his laptop out the window and tell him to continue doing wishes the old fashioned way
-Go back to using paper


-You are surprised to see his background is a picture of you both kissing
-Dui asks you for help but you can barely concentrate with his wallpaper
-Keeps asking you for help
-Finally knows how to turn on the laptop
-And much to your relief now remembers to charge it
-Wonders why he keeps having strange pop ups on his screen
-First it was gambling then it was naked people
-Dui asks if his laptop is being controlled by some unknown source
-You find multiple viruses on his laptop
-He somehow turned off his protection
-Dui is relieved you fixed saved his laptop
-But he does it all over again and is deadset his laptop is cursed
-You assure him it isn't
-You couldn’t tell him he was just incompetent and terrible when it came to electronics


-Acts like he knows what he is doing
-He doesn't
-Spends his nights in his bedroom trying to work it out
-Refers to multiple books but still has trouble
-Can't understand why this human technology is so difficult
-Eventually comes to you for help
-Says the laptop is being stubborn
-You look at it and find he's been running it in safe mode the whole time
-Huedhaut watches in awe as you use the laptop with ease
-Doesn't take him long to learn with your help
-Much better at using the laptop then the other gods
-Actually manages to keep his laptop virus free
-Sometimes spends his time playing mind games instead of working
-This grows into and addiction
-It causes trouble for his work
-Leon finds out and makes him throw away the laptop
-That was for the best
-Huedhaut didn't know what came over him but is grateful to be free from his little addiction


-Ichthys is the definition of trouble
-Somehow manages to use his laptop in one of his schemes
-Creates cameras all throughout the mansion and uses his laptop to spy on everyone
-Catches all the gods in undesirable situations
-Spends more time pranking the gods then getting any work done
-Shockingly adapts fast on using the laptop
-Probably because he could use it in his pranks
-Finds Scorpio arguing with Leon and uses the opportunity to prank them both
-Sees Aigonorus asleep in his room. Pranks him.
-Finds Zyglavis eating some chocolate ganache. Turns his chocolate to stone.
-Sees Dui about to eat some cherries. Turns the cherries to dust.
-Ichthys laughs as he watches their reactions on his laptop screen
-He sees all the gods starting to shout his name and scowling as they march towards his room
-Panicking Ichthys takes that as his queue to leave
-Later Zyglavis, Scorpio and Leon take his laptop from him before giving him their own punishments
-Ichthys never dares to prank so many gods in a short time again


-Doesn't understand why the screen keeps shutting off after a few seconds
-You point out his settings
-Zyglavis grumbles the machine is too complicated
-He argues the laptop is worse than Ichthys and he can't even scold the laptop
-Every time he opens up a document it would crash
-You could see his whole body start to shake
-He tries to keep calm
-The laptop turns itself off and erases all his work
-Zyglavis screams
-He quickly composes himself and tries again
-He really wants chocolate right about now to calm him down
-You try to show him how to work the laptop properly
-Zyglavis doesn’t understand how this is easier than using simple paper to get work done
-His laptop suddenly changes years
-Zyglavis doesn’t understand how it just skipped the next 20 years
-Why is it in the future?
-What kind of super machine is this?
-You explain it isn't really 20 years ahead it just had a hiccup in its settings and you turn it back
-Zyglavis continues to battle with his laptop
-It must be a minister thing
-Laptops don't like them
-Zyglavis ultimately loses the battle and like Leon admits defeat

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