Intimate- Krioff

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The sun had set beyond the horizon and all that was left to light your way was the moon and the thousands of tiny stars. You could hear the calming sounds of the waves and smell the refreshing sea breeze as you strolled along the beach with your boyfriend, Krioff.

"Ahh, It's so nice out here." You took in a deep breath.

"Yeah." Krioff replied, sounding distracted.

He had his arm wrapped around your waist but at some point it traveled down to your butt. You jumped in surprise at him suddenly touching you there and stopped to look at him.

"H-Hey. Don't touch me like that out here." You complained in your embarrassment.

But Krioff didn't seem to see the issue with it, "No one is around, I don't see why not." He shrugged.

"Just because." Was all you could counter reply with but Krioff wasn't satisfied with that reason.

"Can't you take a hint that I want you right now?" Krioff replied, his eyebrows furrowed.

You took a step back and gasped with your eyes wide and in the next moment, Krioff had pushed you down onto the dry sand and climbed ontop of you and began to assault your lips with one kiss after another.

"" He left you gasping for air but he didn't stop there as his hands slipped under your clothes and rubbed your smooth body.

You couldn't help but moan in ecstasy but was grateful that no one was around and the sound of the waves drowned your voice out.

You were lucky to escape with your clothes still on as Krioff mentioned that was just an appetizer and the real fun began when you got home.

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