forty eight

15 0 0

Previously on You and I, Forever and Always

" What's your address? " she asks.

" I'm staying at The Omni. Why?" I ask, still very confused.

" Be ready to be picked up in 5, babe! " she says, laughing hysterically.

And with that she hangs up.





I stare at my phone in shock.

I take a few seconds to recollect myself and grab my bag and keys and head to the lobby.

The entire elevator ride consisted of me consistently tapping my foot and twisting my ring.

I step into the lobby to find three bodies talking very loudly with the front desk lady.

One of them turns his head and faces my direction.

It's him.

It wasn't long before his eyes met mine and a smile appeared on his face.

I smiled back, unsure of what else to do.

God, I'm so awkward.

He starts to run in my direction and before I know it my small frame is taken in his strong arms as he wraps me in a hug and picks me up off the ground, spinning us.

I let out a genuine laugh.

I missed this.

It feels like I'm back to when I was 14...

"Vic." he whispers, into my neck as he sets me down.

"Hey." I whisper back, not believing this is really happening.

"VIC!" I hear two people scream and before I know it, two people have tackled me into a huge bear hug.

A squeal escapes my lips as excitement radiates from me.

Once we part, I look at my old friends and take it all in.

"Lily! Oh my god, you look gorgeous! You could be a freaking model! " I gush to her, who now is a whole head taller than me.

"You haven't changed a bit! You're still super pretty and still short hahaha." she gushes back.

We all laugh and I can't help but stare at Hayes every now and then.

" We should grab a coffee or something, yeah? " Cameron suggests.

We all agree and hop in Cameron's car.


We sit at one of the tables in the small coffee shop and talk for a while.

I notice that Lily has a smoothie...

Wasn't she like obsessed with coffee, though?

"Hey, weren't you like obsessed with coffee?" I ask.

The table quiets and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she bit back a smile.

"Yeah, would if I could!" she says, sipping on her smoothie.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

She let's out a small laugh.

"Well, it's good to know I don't look that huge yet." she says before turning to me once again.

" I'm 3 months pregnant. " she says, a small smile on her face.

My eyes nearly bulge out of my head.

I see Cameron's arm sneak around her waist and I start to choke on my coffee.

" Wait wait wait. You? and Cameron?" I ask, in disbelief.

Her face falls a bit and she nods shyly.

" OH MY GOD! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! " I exclaim.

Her face lightens up again and she smiles brightly.

"Thank god. For a second, I thought you were mad or disappointed." she says, trailing off.

" Are you kidding? I'm stoked for you! " I say, smiling.


Once we leave the coffee shop, the sun is now setting and the streets busy.

"Hey, you should come over! I'm sure Nash and Matt would be happy to see you!" Hayes says.

I haven't talked to him much yet.

I want to.

Once we get to their house, I'm shocked to see the size of it.

"Hahah, yeah. Lot of people living under the same roof calls for a big house." Lily says, laughing.

"You live here too?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Yeah, wanted her right by my side everyday." Cameron says, stepping in and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I smile and go inside.

"Hey! Finally you guys are home! Why did you guys leave in such a- " Matt says, coming down the stairs.

He stops talking once he sees me and has an unreadable expression on his face.

"Umm, is that who I think it is?" he asks, pointing at me.

The guys and I laugh.

"Hey, Espisaurous Rex" I say, smiling.

His face breaks out in a smile and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Where have you been?! I missed you like crazy!" he says, loudly like the drama queen he is.

"Montana!" I say, laughing.

"Screw Montana, live here." he says, obviously unaware why I'm here.

"As of today, I do!" I say laughing.

It was in that moment that I felt like my life was finally falling back into place

You and I, Forever and Always ( Hayes Grier FanFic )Where stories live. Discover now