fourty four

70 4 0

Vic's POV


I drag the tape across the top of the last box.

I let out a long sigh and take a couple steps back to take it all in.

Everything is in boxes, my bed is dismantled, my clothes in suitcases.

I feel a hand touch my back, taking me completely by surprise.

" Oh god, it's just you. "  I exclaim, Nick flashing me a wide grin.

" Everything packed? " he asks, walking around the boxes in my room.

" Yeah, when do we leave? " I ask, realizing I don't even know the day we're actually moving.

"Early tomorrow morning." he says, with a sigh. "I should probably start packing..." 

" Start?! You haven't even started?! " I ask suppressing a laugh, my eyes going wide.

" Maybeeee. " he says, keeping his head down as he speed walks to his room.

I let out a scoff and as I'm about to plop down on my bed I realize,

I have no bed.

I internally groan and make my way downstairs.

Once I reach the bottom of the stairs, I mentally curse my parents out for being so stupid.


I look around for one of them to complain to about them taking away my oh so dear couch.

But instead I find a note on the counter, again.

I mean really I should just have this post it note as parents.

" Went to pack the rest of our things at the office. Order a pizza. " the note reads.

I toss the note in the trash and grab the twenty bucks on the counter. 

" Hey Nick! " I yell, hopefully loud enough for him to hear.

" Yeah? " he yells back, from his room.

" You feel like going on a little adventure? "  I yell, a smirk playing on my lips.

I hear footsteps rush down the stairs.

He walks over to me and grabs his keys and throws a helmet at me.

" What are you waiting for? " he says, 

I put the helmet on and quickly get on Nick's motorcycle before we pull out of the driveway.

We drive aimlessly for what seems like hours before we get on a dirt path up a small mountain.

Nick has been talking about this place for at least 20 minutes.

Once we reach the top, he stops the bike and parks it in between a couple of trees.

" Come on. " Nick says, running to a small clearing a couple feet from all these trees.

I walk over and take it all in.

You can see everything from up here.

The sun was just now setting and the sky was a lovely shade of lavender, orange, and pink.

I let out a breath I hadn't even known I was holding and suddenly tears spring to my eyes.

" I'm gonna miss it so much "

Hayes' POV 

I wake up groggily, not really sure where I am for like 30 seconds.

" Hayes? " Nash calls, knocking on the door and coming inside.

He walks in and a smile flashes across his face.

" Good morning, sleeping beauty. " he teases, ruffling my hair.

" What do you mean? " I ask, getting up and walking to my closet and find a sweatshirt.

" Well you did sleep for 22 hours..." he points out.

" What?! What time is it?! " I ask, shocked.

" Like 5 in the afternoon. " he says casually.

" Why didn't anyone wake me up? " I ask, extremely confused at this point.

" Oh trust me we did. " he says, laughing.

" Poor Sky, thought you were dead. " he says.

Guilt comes over me and I itch the back of my neck awkwardly.

" So why did I sleep for so long? " I ask.

" I'm gonna go ahead and say it was because you haven't slept for 3 days. " he guesses, patting me in the back and walking out of my room.

I sit on my bed and rub my face with my hands, loudly groaning.

I sit and stare blankly in my room and my eyes avert to outside.

It's a pretty shade of purple, orange, and pink.

The sun's going down

Vic's leaving tomorrow.

After tomorrow, I'll never see her again.


hey babes! 

so new update! yay! and it isn't like a month later!

i know, i feel like my chapters have been boring recently, and i apologize.

BUT there are big things coming, that i am very excited for so be pumped for that! i just didn't really know what to write or these filler chapters lmao.


but yeah, so new update will probably be sometime this week, if not then next week for sure!

i love you all so much and don't forget to vote and comment! I LOVE FEEDBACK!

anyway hope you guys have a great day!


You and I, Forever and Always ( Hayes Grier FanFic )Where stories live. Discover now