Flying to Kansas

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Its Thursday and trust me this bunch of energy is not letting me pack.

"Jess, for the last time let mommy pack and go to sleep or you'll miss the day tomorrow." I glared at her and she went to bed.


Friday morning erupted much quicker than I thought it to be and as expected Jess slept after having bath and murmured something in animatedly. She blabbered by the time driver came that took us back to Chris's penthouse. We took a private Jet to Kansas. Obviously, Chris's Murray owns too much for a private jet and am just a peck of dust in front of this person.

"So Ms. Parker, our meeting is scheduled at 11 and trust me I believe we will get the project." He spoke monotonously and I nodded unable to speak!

"Did you get me the file?" Don't wonder which! He texted me early morning at four am to get him a file which I was working on.

"Yes I did!" I hand him over a red file.

"Thank you!" He smiled and then the conversation died.


The plane ride was far boring because most of the times Jess slept and well I don't really know what to talk to my boss. Either he was staring the damn screen or working whilst I just stared him like an alien. *Duhhh* We landed well and checked in, in a really elegant five stae hotel.

The room that I got made my heart flatter. Golden cream furnishing with beautiful carvings and best of ancient artifacts all matched with the wall colour. On the contrary, the left side had a big balcony with seaface outside and beautiful horizon. The sky at the horizon was honestly the best. Sky in its yellow orange hue looked perfectly doomed. The birds chirping and the morning breeze hit me making my hair tangle around in long locks.

"Hey!" I snapped around to see my new boss there right behind me.

"Yes sir?" I kept my bag down and stood in front again untangling my locks and than untangling the bracelet that got locked with my hair. Without a word spoken he sits me on the bed and helps me with the mess. His skin abruptly touches mine and I feel sparks  flying around.

Kia no! Stop! He is your boss. Don't even think shit. I mentally kicked my brain cells as he finished untangling.

After sorting out we head down for breakfast, in the process Chris took Jess in his arms gently waking her up. She smiled at him replacing it with frown when she realised she isn't in my arms. I to be honest just adored her.

"Good morning Jessica." He greeted her and she smiled immediately. Couldn't have been better. I watch two of them as we sat at our booth.

I guess this is why he came up to our room for breakfast may be. Any thing else he would have definitely spoken up to let me know.

After breakfast we got ready for meeting. I dropped Jess in the office's play section and asked instructor to take care until we came back. The instructor let her play from where I watched. I sighed and went with Mr. Murray.


The meeting went on for about 2 and a half hour. It was pretty good and we were sure of getting the project successfully but the investors would inform by the evening and now it was lunch time. We moved on to the play section picking up my dear life who was eating comfortably. I and Chris waited till she finished eating and than grabbed her heading out for lunch. We ate silently until my heart sank terribly. I saw my parents having lunch out there in the same restaurant as us and it killed me to see my mom's sunken face.

I know what you think next but no, I didn't went in front of them neither did I talked about it to Ru and Drake. Its better forgotten.

Better than worse my stiffness was noticed by Chris but that's okay I couldn't really answer and shrugged it off. Well, it seemed like Jessica and Chris have bonded over less than necessary time and maybe that's a good sign so I could tell him but I don't want to rub it in his face, like you know he feels like I'm a gold digger or something. Well you got the image right?

I really hope you did. The dilemma is quite frustrating.

"So boo would love shopping??" I asked in a chirping voice.

"Yessss mommy!" Her excitement couldn't be hidden.

"So Piggy back ride Jess?" He asked. It felt the missing piece was completed. That she finally has a father.


Trust me when I said I wasn't a big  shopping fan but Jess loves shopping way too much. We shop each and everything and I even shopped for Ruvika and Drake.

I chased around Jess god knows who gives her this idea to play in malls. She danced around making me and Chris exhaust in a few minutes. We saw Jess bump into someone I recognise as my mom. I quickly rushed there making sure my back was turned to my mom because I wouldn't want to know what hurtful names they got me same like last time. So I carefully helped Jessica and took her to room. I felt bad seeing how things have changed but its always said whatever happens, happens for a reason but the slap of the idiom is when are we eventually going to get answers???? With that thought in mind I, Chris and Jessica went back to the hotel room.


We met again for dinner around 7 just after the investor's call. They investors called half an hour ago to let us know we have the project in our hands. The phone call didn't limit the happiness Chris felt. He was beyond happy and took us to dinner. I was happy though because he witnessed what I did in the mall. I had to do it for my baby. He asked me what was wrong but when I didn't talk about it he let it slip in front of Jess but I am sure we are speaking over this really soon and by soon I don't know when?


Heyaaa lovelies..

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