New Day

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As said the kiddo is so excited that she basically woke up before us and now she is jumping all the way on the bed.

"Mom mom mom mom!" She squealed like a maniac well kids, they often do that.

"Yes Jess! I'm already up will you stop jumping and give me a quick kiss!" I smiled at her small frame.

Her small soft hands wrapped around me while I picked her up and bathe her. After that she went to Ruvika where I was running my routines there was a constant smile on my face for how happy did Jess look for her day!

"Aunt Ruvika how do I look?" I could hear her voice so shrill yet soft from the other door.

"My supergirl looks beautiful!" Jessica and Ru giggled. Now how do I miss this. Well, my brother Drake is a CEO of some Crowell Hotels and that was pretty good. He earned well and suggested me to be home with Jess and Ru but I'm being me pretty much stubborn. I work in Murray company as a PA i.e. personal assistant. Well I have acquired a degree with software and protection from virus where I passed with Jess in my womb I still managed to pass with good grades, well and good for my condition. I work because I like it and I don't like to be dependent; sometimes its eventually the headache one would definitely wish to get rid off cause you have better things to get your mind to!

Just then my thoughts are snapped by shouting Ruvika, actually she shouts a lot.

Ru is another motherly figure Jess looks upto, basically Jess and Ru are partners in crime. There are times they put up pranks on me and honestly I feel Ru ain't giving birth to a child she is turning into a kid herself. She whines and squeals on the tiniest things but those are cravings and Drake looks well after her.

"Mommyyyy" she pulled my pencil skirt to draw my attention to her.

"Yes boo?" I look at her and smile.

She scrunched her nose up but nonetheless she smiled the next moment showing her dimples on "Can you put the bow? Aunt Ruvika can't!" she stuck her tongue out at Ru which was really adorable!

"C'mon boo or else we will get late..." I fed her the bacons and toast and gave myself a final touch. I kissed Ru on forehead and gave her routine instructions to which she replied "yes mommy" and stuck her tongue out. Well I told you she is going down in age. Turning a kid, well that's adorable too. I settle her on the couch get her breakfast and leave with Jess. Jess is also a mess now this isn't the time to play hide and seek.

"Boo, come out or zombie's gonna scare you!" well that is going to work I know. She came running to hug her life out while I got myself a wicked grin to wear. I pick her up and adjust her in the passenger seat and I ignite the engine to rush to kindergarten. Within 10 minutes almost we reached her school. She kissed my cheeks and hugged me and I wished her all the best. I watched her retreating figure, her tiny frame and although she wasn't facing me I knew she is smiling although she had been sad about her father not being here. After all this I rushed to the office getting 5minutes late but my boss Daniel Murray doesn't mind. I've been working since 3 years and he knows my condition well. He in his late 50's is a father figure to me and his wife Rose Murray is a lovely lady she is my motherly figure. We're another little family and sometime, my boss, his wife and my family we dine together and they do a lot than needed.

Well today is a good day, everything is at ease. Well that's when my bell rang that means my boss needs me. I keep my paperwork aside and rush to Daniel with a smile on my face. Actually, all the staff was collected in there with Daniel in between and a new face which was my nightmare that stood right exactly in front of everyone's eyes.

"Ah there, Kiara. Please come in here!" My breath lurched on taking the perfect face cut in my brain. My brain processed him as my university's big bad boy! Instantly my throat sunk in and my brain stopped processing talks and there I go! black out ....

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